Entertainment / Music
Royal Destiny Live Recording Concert: A Roaring Royal Success
11 Jun 2013 at 10:00hrs | Views

Today once again I (Thulani Nkala) had a rare opportunity to talk to Maria Adonis Rusike of Royal Destiny, after a resounding success of their Live Recording concert of their new album 'Lord I believe'. What an honour to talk to such and insightful, dedicated, humble and a God fearing being. It is now clear why everything they do turns into gold, they are the royal heirs of his majesty.
Thulani: The Live Recording event has come and gone, on reflection, what is your take of the event? According to you standards, was it a success or failure?
Maria: The event was a huge success. Considering the fact this was Royal Destiny's first concert since the launch of the first album. We were truly amazed by the support we got from the diverse audience which attended. It was beyond our expectations. We are humbled and give thanks to the Lord. This was Royal Destiny's first concert. There were teething problems as expected. But the group is growing and they have learnt a lot from all the experiences. By God's grace next time will be bigger & better. I have vivid memories of the whole concert, for the foreseeable future that memory will remain; I hope that this glorious experience was the case with many of our supporters who graced the event.
Thulani: I realise that so many people attended the concert, were satisfied with the attendance and please tell us how you managed to have this big audience?
Maria: As you have seen for yourself, many people attended the concert, we were very pleased with the attendance, we did not expect this number, and however, we could always do with an even bigger number. To answer the second part of your question, all the credit goes to the Almighty; it was not our efforts which helped in making this event a success. Our marketing strategies were simple, rudimentary but effective, firstly, we preferred word of mouth, what we call retail strategy, we also flooded the online social networks and online media with our adverts. Next time we aim for an even bigger event.
Thulani: What message do you have to those who attended and those who unfortunately did not make it but were with you in spirit?
Maria: To those who attended the event we just want to say a big thank you for your support - in our culture we say (umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu- we are because you are). Surely there is power in numbers and when people come together something grand happens. It was such a pleasure to welcome everyone to Canterbury. May God bless you abundantly? We hope you were as blessed as we were. To those who did not make it this time, you missed we thank you for your prayers and your contributions. It is only the beginning of things for Royal Destiny we hope to see you next year. Please do watchout for the next concert and be sure to attend.
Thulani: Now I have no doubt in my mind that people love your music, and I am sure that many would like to get their hands on the DVD of the live event, when will they get the opportunity to buy it?
Maria: We expect the DVD to be out soon hopefully by the end of July.
Thulani: What were the highlight moments of the event?
Maria: There were quite a few. The worship sessions which were led by Sister Nonkumbulo Adonis who led the title track Lord I Believe and the worship session with Charles Mudamburi and Royal Destiny in the second session. This summed up what Royal Destiny is about, The spirit of God came down like an avalanche and many strongly felt its presence.
It is our desire to nurture and provide a platform for young and upcoming artists in the gospel industry. This was fulfilled when Interdom a young and vibrant side took to the stage to open the show. The group is interdenominational and is led by Mnoe Dywili & Angela Sibanda. The future is definitely bright for this complete band which is comprised of extremely talented young people.
Phephile Peppy Zwane Allen our sister from Swaziland wowed the audience with her electric moves and melodious voice.
Chris Kusema and Khamani Clan provided a performance that warmed up the crowd with a heart-warming performance that resonates well with the African Gospel spirit and rhythm.
UZambezi Arts was amazing as usual. Led by brother Lucky Moyo the group gave a sizzling performance with their ground breaking Zulu dance moves and accapella tunes much to the delight of the audience who demanded more and more. It was uZambezi at its very best.
Charles Mudamburi led Royal Destiny in an edifying spiritually uplifting worship session. There was a huge manifestation of the Holy Spirit that filled the assembly. The presence of the spirit in the house transcended human comprehension. At this time Minister Charles called upon Pastor J Mabhula of Apostolic Faith and Acts Church - Canterbury and Pastor Dare Ronke Obigbesan of Redeemed Church of Reedemed Christian Church of God - Sheerness to bless the album. This act of sanctification marked the launch of the album - Lord I Believe.
Due to an unfortunate incident the versatile Brother Mthulisi Makholisa Dube was unable to minister but came to the stage briefly and sang a song 'I am the winner' with Royal Destiny.
At the end fellow artist Caroline Rumbi joined Royal Destiny on stage. Her distinct, powerful and sweet voice summed up the beautiful day.
Royal Destiny's ministration did not let people down but rose to the occasion and beyond. Their soulful and melodious voices ushered the audience to a spirit filled time of worship that proclaimed the glory of God which is man's chief end as portrayed by the group's name Royal Destiny.
Their exhilarating performance on stage kept the audience well engaged in dance and praise throughout their ministration. Their ministration amplified a spirit of oneness and joyfulness among those who attended, reminding everyone of the togetherness on the day of Pentecost as written in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2. The audience sang along and danced to the compelling tunes of Akanamandla, Mzalwane, Ekhaya from the new album. The song ixilongo which was led by Maria Adonis Rusike also evoked irresistible audience participation. Kenny Mangena playing lead guitar sang the song Njengo Daniel from the album Uzuko. The captivating tune which is characterised by the traditional dance called (ingquzu) thrilled the audience.
Thulani: What do you make of the guest speakers?
Maria: The two guest speakers who spoke, both delivered powerful messages of hope for the down trodden and empathy for the needy. Fikelephi Jackson introduced her book Against all odds. The book is an eye opener on how to overcome adversities in a Godly premise. Hilary Wyatt introduced the launch of National Christian Heritage Week (June 7-15) which is designed to celebrate Christian Heritage in the United Kingdom. All Christian organisations are urged to take part through evangelical missions.
The event was hosted by Lindy S Kula and Dumi Senda. The duo kept the audience captivated and engaged. Dumi Senda enthralled the audience and kept them entertained with his inspirational poetry. This was complemented by the powerful presence of woman of God Lindy S Kula who kept on, the spirit of worship when the guitars were silent.
Royal Destiny would like to express their heart felt gratitude to Lindy S Kula and Fikelephi Jackson for their heartfelt mentorship and spiritual guidance in the build up to the album launch.
Royal Destiny would also like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all the musicians, the backing vocalists who braved the rehearsals, the video crew (Mr Kenneth Ruchaka and Mr Kudzie Kofi, the sound crew Jonathan Hollander and man of God, artist and engineer Mr Leonard Manzie who came all the way from Manchester with his family, the lighting crew, the committee members Mr Keith Fungai Rusike, Dumisani Gumpo, Patience Nyoni and Lucky Moyo, The Manager Mr Kenneth Ruchaka, Christine Maduna Moyo, Fadzie Machekanyanga and Lindy S Kula who worked tirelessly in the kitchen, Benevolence Machekanyanga for working tirelessly to ensure every minute was captured, Mr Million Moyo who provided the PA system, The Apostolic Faith and Acts church, our families and the audience for their great support and unreserved contribution.
God Bless you all!
For more information about royal destiny please visit - www.royaldestiny.co.uk
To order a copy of the new cd please email;- info@royaldestiny.co.uk
To participate in National Christian Heritage Week 2014 please visit - nchweek.wordpress.com
For more details about Fikelephi Jackson - fikelephijackson.com
Source - Thulani Nkala