Entertainment / Music
1ns and 2s with DJ-Sticha - How cities benefit from helping the music industry grow
07 Mar 2016 at 01:53hrs | Views

Music is a powerful means of connecting people. It bridges linguistic and cultural divides, and is a vehicle for identity and expression like no other. Collectively, the music ecosystem generates rich social, cultural and economic benefits. Kodwa today Ngibhala this article ngidabukile ngaphakathi ngoba abantu bakithi asisapotani, ngeke ngishay' inja ngifihl' umphini nawe ulapho wazi kahle ukuthi awusapoti abanye ufuna kunguwe. How many CDs have you bought for the past 2 years from a local artist?, do you attend amashows wabo?, if you don't uthi bona baze kanjani kwawakho? nihlula noma umuntu ephisana ngomculo mahala, the fact ukuthi kubhalwe Khuxman, Skaiva, Tsholotsho King, Zinja ziyamluma or Sticha, uvel' uthi "ah laba bayabheda" ufuna anything ebhalwe Drake, Heavy K or Dj bani bani from South Africa. It's like namaRadio Djs wasezweni ezw' ubuhlungu when playing umculo wabantu bakubo, ngicela ukuzwa ngawe ke, ucabang' ukuthi inkinga isukaphi ngoba the only way of dealing with inkinga is admitting ukuthi sinenkinga. Angisayiphathi ke eyeGovernment, ama artist aphiwa izigodo as awards like really?, these people(Musicians) spend a lot of money producing, recording, mixing, mastering and marketing to perfect their songs qede benz' ama campaign for those awards only to win is'godo esibazwe ngumuntu nje eLupane? no centnyana nje even R5 Cell C for amadata bundles?. I think ama artists kwamele abambane kumanje and do something ngalento kusase early ngoba if sithula they'll think simnandi engami umtwan' ongakhaliy' ufel' embelekweni.
I just needed to let some steam off, now back to indaba-ndaba, How cities benefit from helping the music industry grow
Collectively, the music ecosystem generates rich social, cultural and economic benefits. A recent report, The Mastering of a Music City, by the global music industry body, IFPI, and its affiliate Music Canada, seeks to inspire cities around the world to cultivate a vibrant music economy within their community and become true Music Cities.
The report provides a comprehensive framework of strategies and best practices to help cities – local authorities, businesses, community groups and the creative sector – tap into the power of music. It is a road-map for municipalities of all sizes to reach their Music City goals, offering useful insights about how to build a stronger and more lively music community.
Once exclusively associated with Nashville, Tennessee (USA), the term "Music City" now describes communities that have - or are encouraging - the development of a vibrant music economy. Music Cities can deliver significant economic and employment paybacks beyond their long-acknowledged cultural and social benefits.
The report draws on the experiences of 22 cities on all continents and 40 in-depth interviews as well as two focus groups to identify the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing a Music City strategy. Among the interviewees were music association leaders, music entrepreneurs including publishers, promoters and artists, municipal employees, and experts in tourism investment and economic development.
The study identifies five essential components of a successful Music City:
the presence of artists and musicians;
a thriving music scene;
available spaces and places for music;
a receptive and engaged audience;
and record labels and other music-related businesses.
Music Cities also benefit from multi-level government support for music, including a broader city infrastructure conducive to the sector's development and the availability of effective music education programs. (Ngibhala ngamazwe ale ngaphesheya kwezilwandle ngoba la ekhaya angiboni lutho, angifuni kubhala amanga, kungcono ngibhale into engiyaziyo).
Music drives economic value
A vibrant music economy drives value for cities in several important ways. It fuels job creation, economic growth, tourism development and artistic growth, and strengthens a city's brand. A strong music community also attracts highly skilled young workers in all sectors for whom quality of life is a priority. This in turn attracts business investment.
While it may be impossible to manufacture the secret something that causes artists and musicians to gather in a city, it is possible to create an environment that enables musicians to do what they do best: make music. Access to training and education programs, mentoring, music hubs or incubators as well as affordable housing can help attract and retain musicians, many of whom are on limited incomes.
Earning a living as an artist has never been easy. "It has never been easier to distribute a creative work. At the same time, it's never been harder to get paid for it,". Professional development services for musicians not only help artists develop the skills they need to run their business and careers, they also make a municipality more music-friendly while helping artists and musicians monetize their work and build their businesses.
I wish nginganaba ngibelesele amabenefits of supporting amalocal musicians kodwa kungaze kushon' ilanga. Nginombuzo nje kuma artist wakithi, how many of you are making a living out of umculo nje kuphela?, can you really survive and prosper uphile this life esiyibona kuma music videos and instagram or you selling amafans some dreams?, well iqiniso laziwa nguwe kodwa nginxusa wonk' umuntu ophatha umculo as i business ukuthi asukume alwele amalungelo wakhe kuqedwe i favoritism,marginalization and payola(bribing music compilers kumaradio stations to get airplay).
Maybe this article is senseless kuwe ngoba wen' usika la enone khona for now, wait till you meet ithambo sibone ukuthi kuzoba mnandi yini. Akuqedwe leyo mentality yokuthi "if it doesn't affect me, it's not my problem". Am sure kusazovela amaheadlines emaphepheni sekufe a legendary musician ebhalwe "After 45 years emculweni, ubani bani dies a pauper", qhubekani nidlal' oSteve Wonder as if aniboni indlala izokwand' ukwedlul' amahlabathi aseNsuza.
My latest work featuring Smallz(download and share) Dj-Sticha feat Smallz moneymaker-Wayisunduza
Masabelane ngolwazi, masikhulisan' emculweni
Facebook: DJ-Sticha Mixking
I just needed to let some steam off, now back to indaba-ndaba, How cities benefit from helping the music industry grow
Collectively, the music ecosystem generates rich social, cultural and economic benefits. A recent report, The Mastering of a Music City, by the global music industry body, IFPI, and its affiliate Music Canada, seeks to inspire cities around the world to cultivate a vibrant music economy within their community and become true Music Cities.
The report provides a comprehensive framework of strategies and best practices to help cities – local authorities, businesses, community groups and the creative sector – tap into the power of music. It is a road-map for municipalities of all sizes to reach their Music City goals, offering useful insights about how to build a stronger and more lively music community.
Once exclusively associated with Nashville, Tennessee (USA), the term "Music City" now describes communities that have - or are encouraging - the development of a vibrant music economy. Music Cities can deliver significant economic and employment paybacks beyond their long-acknowledged cultural and social benefits.
The report draws on the experiences of 22 cities on all continents and 40 in-depth interviews as well as two focus groups to identify the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing a Music City strategy. Among the interviewees were music association leaders, music entrepreneurs including publishers, promoters and artists, municipal employees, and experts in tourism investment and economic development.
The study identifies five essential components of a successful Music City:
the presence of artists and musicians;
a thriving music scene;
available spaces and places for music;
a receptive and engaged audience;
and record labels and other music-related businesses.
Music Cities also benefit from multi-level government support for music, including a broader city infrastructure conducive to the sector's development and the availability of effective music education programs. (Ngibhala ngamazwe ale ngaphesheya kwezilwandle ngoba la ekhaya angiboni lutho, angifuni kubhala amanga, kungcono ngibhale into engiyaziyo).
Music drives economic value
A vibrant music economy drives value for cities in several important ways. It fuels job creation, economic growth, tourism development and artistic growth, and strengthens a city's brand. A strong music community also attracts highly skilled young workers in all sectors for whom quality of life is a priority. This in turn attracts business investment.
While it may be impossible to manufacture the secret something that causes artists and musicians to gather in a city, it is possible to create an environment that enables musicians to do what they do best: make music. Access to training and education programs, mentoring, music hubs or incubators as well as affordable housing can help attract and retain musicians, many of whom are on limited incomes.
Earning a living as an artist has never been easy. "It has never been easier to distribute a creative work. At the same time, it's never been harder to get paid for it,". Professional development services for musicians not only help artists develop the skills they need to run their business and careers, they also make a municipality more music-friendly while helping artists and musicians monetize their work and build their businesses.
I wish nginganaba ngibelesele amabenefits of supporting amalocal musicians kodwa kungaze kushon' ilanga. Nginombuzo nje kuma artist wakithi, how many of you are making a living out of umculo nje kuphela?, can you really survive and prosper uphile this life esiyibona kuma music videos and instagram or you selling amafans some dreams?, well iqiniso laziwa nguwe kodwa nginxusa wonk' umuntu ophatha umculo as i business ukuthi asukume alwele amalungelo wakhe kuqedwe i favoritism,marginalization and payola(bribing music compilers kumaradio stations to get airplay).
Maybe this article is senseless kuwe ngoba wen' usika la enone khona for now, wait till you meet ithambo sibone ukuthi kuzoba mnandi yini. Akuqedwe leyo mentality yokuthi "if it doesn't affect me, it's not my problem". Am sure kusazovela amaheadlines emaphepheni sekufe a legendary musician ebhalwe "After 45 years emculweni, ubani bani dies a pauper", qhubekani nidlal' oSteve Wonder as if aniboni indlala izokwand' ukwedlul' amahlabathi aseNsuza.
My latest work featuring Smallz(download and share) Dj-Sticha feat Smallz moneymaker-Wayisunduza
Masabelane ngolwazi, masikhulisan' emculweni
Facebook: DJ-Sticha Mixking
Source - DJ-Sticha