Entertainment / Music
Maskandi ambassadors releases hot DVD
10 Mar 2016 at 13:45hrs | Views

JOHANNESBURG - Mthwakazi Maskandi ambassadors Amabhukudwana and Insukamini released their long awaited DVD at the Hillbrow Theatre on Saturday the 5th of March.
Multitudes from different areas which packed the Theatre witnessed most probably the best launch they have ever seen in their lives. Five of the 13 tracks in the DVD were shown live through a projector to give the audience a glimpse of what they had gathered for.
Several cultural stakeholders that took included: Ibutho leNqama, MCA, Abalobi Bakithi and the highly respected AmaNtungwa.
Led by the masters of ceremony; Mcasiseli Gwaza and Fortune Mxoshwa, the audience was kept on their toes by quality entertainment from various genres such as: Maskandi, Isichathamiya, Gospel and Rhumba. Artists who shared the stage are: Amabhukudwana, Insukamini, Ikhwezi Elihle, Igqishamnkantsha, Abakotolozisi, Ophumasilwe, Abafana bakaMolo Bangempela, Ihawu Elimnyama, Izinkanyezi Zezulu, Dumezweni and Mazilankatha Boys, UKhandalenja, Qedumcimbi, Zinjaziyamluma, Amathobanhliziyo, National Flying Stars and Mhambi Boys, UMkhosi, AmaNtungwa Ntungwa, AmaDube Amthende, Paradise Queens and Amabhidi Amnyama.
Several who attended commented on what they observed during the DVD launch and expressed their satisfaction.
"The event was marvelous, all tribes attended from their different regions and showed great happiness and enthusiasm. The artists still lack punctuality, beside that, it was awesome," said Makhosi 'Nhlula' Mlilo from Khezi.
"The launch was wonderful, the turnout was great and the behavior was equally superb. The DVD is the best so far and all the artists who performed did wonders on stage. The attendance by our royal family AmaNtungwa was an honour culturally," said George Sibanda from the Midlands.
"I enjoyed the DVD launch it was such a great pleasure to be part of the crowd. They always say there is no talent from Matebeleland however what I saw brought a different picture. We need to support our own talent and embrace our culture because the music that these home boys are doing puts Bulawayo as a whole in the map and it defines who we are. Big up to the guys continue doing this wonderful job, indeed you make us proud siyi sizwe sikaMthwakazi ibambeni kanjalo madoda," said Nkosizwile Sibanda from Nkayi.
"I launch ye DVD ibe yimpumelelo enkulu kakhulu, abantu bawujabulela kakhulu loyamsebenzi njalo okukhulu kukho konke isizwe sasijabulele ukuyazitholela lona I DVD bake bayezidlalela lona ezindlini. Eqinisweni bambalwa abantu abahamba bengenalo I DVD. Le DVD ijabulisa loba ngubani ikakhulu ingoma le ethi Iqhawe LakoMhlanhlandlela ilomlayezo othatha umuntu uyemshiya le kwelakwa Zulu abeseqala uhambo lweNkosi yethu uMzilikazi ngengqondo ize iyekushiya kwelika Mthwakazi. Sabona lalokho esikubiza nge biskop, sasiqala ke ukuba lomcimbi oveza lokhuyana yize sikwazi nje. Ngithi ngiyabonga kuso isizwe sikaMzilikazi esibonisa ukubambana okunjeyana ngibonge labaculi njalo ababebonisa ukujabulela umsebenzi owenziwe ngaMabhukudwana ihambisana leNsukamini,ngithi phambili ngokubambana asivuke isizwe sakithi isizwe sikaMzilikazi. Halala Mthwakazi omuhle," said Tees Nkomo (aka umama wesizwe) from Plumtree.
"Uyabona Amabhukudwana adume ngokuhlela lokuhleleka. Into yabo yonke abayenzayo iyacaca ngoba bayenza ngobunono obukhulu. Njalo mina selokhu ngahamba imcimbi yama launch ako Mthwakazi leyi ibelomehluko kakhulu ngoba ihlanganise bonke abaculi baka Maskandi ngoba phela Amabhukudwane vele bahambela yonke imcimbi baxhasa bonke abaculi yikho labo bethole yonke inhlonipho. kubosowabo omaskandi bako Mthwakazi, abako Mthaniya kunye labanye nje omkhaya njengoba sibone labadlali be Rumba lokho kubonise ukubambana njengesizwe. Ngiyawubonga umsebenzi waMabhukudwana bayisibonelo esihle kakhulu njalo ngendlela abahlonipha ngayo abantu yenza labo bahlale behlonipheka.
Mina lamaqembu engisebenza lawo Abafana baka Mzilikazi kanye le Sqholo Sase Zhwane besivele sisebenza e studio ngosuku lwe launch kodwa senze isinqumo sokuthi lakanjani sizovela sizoxhasa lezinsizwa ngoba kusukela kudala sisebenzisana lazo sijabule kakhulu ngokubakhona njalo siyababongela ngomsebenzi omuhle abawenzileyo lathi sifunde okunengi kubo," said Beven Tshuma from Tsholotsho.
"Ngilapha ngimele I committee yaMabhukudwana LeNsukamini. Ngidlulisa ukubonga kuyo I committee indlela esisebenza ngayo leqembu inhle kakhulu njalo iyenza umsebenzi ubeyimpumelelo, uncomeke ngokunjalo. Umcimbi weqembu le AM uyohlala ubajabulisa abantu njengalokhu sikwenzile ngokubambisana njalo I AM music production iyohlala ikhona ivuselela amasiko wakithi ko Mthwakazi. Usiko kithi lubalulekile kakhulu. Ingoma zethu zikhombisa umhlaba wonke ukuthi sibuyile isizwe sikaMthwakazi," said Ndumiso Mafu from Gwanda.
The 13 tracks on this DVD were taken from various albums from Amabhukudwana and Insukamini who form AM Music. They include:
1 Sengizogugel' emazweni by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
2 Lukhulu Luyeza ft Umbuzeni by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
3 Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
4 Umthakathi by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
5 Senzo Meyiwa by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
6 Yith' AmaNdebele by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
7 Hambani kahle by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
8 Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
9 Nibahle Mantombazane by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
10 Khuzani Abafana by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
11 Iyamemeza by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
12 Umzilakawulandelwa (Tribute to King Lobhengula) by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
13 EZamanyoni by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
Amabhukudwana and Insukamini each have two albums namely Giya Mthwakazi (2012), Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli (2014), Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela (2013) and Lukhulu Luyeza (2015) respectively.
The CDs cost just R50 whilst the DVD cost a mere R80.
They can be found on FB : Amabhukudwana/Insukamini (AM MUSIC), Amabhukudwana.
Twitter: @Amabhukudwana Music
+27 78 365 2714 +27 82 702 1309
Multitudes from different areas which packed the Theatre witnessed most probably the best launch they have ever seen in their lives. Five of the 13 tracks in the DVD were shown live through a projector to give the audience a glimpse of what they had gathered for.
Several cultural stakeholders that took included: Ibutho leNqama, MCA, Abalobi Bakithi and the highly respected AmaNtungwa.
Led by the masters of ceremony; Mcasiseli Gwaza and Fortune Mxoshwa, the audience was kept on their toes by quality entertainment from various genres such as: Maskandi, Isichathamiya, Gospel and Rhumba. Artists who shared the stage are: Amabhukudwana, Insukamini, Ikhwezi Elihle, Igqishamnkantsha, Abakotolozisi, Ophumasilwe, Abafana bakaMolo Bangempela, Ihawu Elimnyama, Izinkanyezi Zezulu, Dumezweni and Mazilankatha Boys, UKhandalenja, Qedumcimbi, Zinjaziyamluma, Amathobanhliziyo, National Flying Stars and Mhambi Boys, UMkhosi, AmaNtungwa Ntungwa, AmaDube Amthende, Paradise Queens and Amabhidi Amnyama.
Several who attended commented on what they observed during the DVD launch and expressed their satisfaction.
"The event was marvelous, all tribes attended from their different regions and showed great happiness and enthusiasm. The artists still lack punctuality, beside that, it was awesome," said Makhosi 'Nhlula' Mlilo from Khezi.
"The launch was wonderful, the turnout was great and the behavior was equally superb. The DVD is the best so far and all the artists who performed did wonders on stage. The attendance by our royal family AmaNtungwa was an honour culturally," said George Sibanda from the Midlands.
"I enjoyed the DVD launch it was such a great pleasure to be part of the crowd. They always say there is no talent from Matebeleland however what I saw brought a different picture. We need to support our own talent and embrace our culture because the music that these home boys are doing puts Bulawayo as a whole in the map and it defines who we are. Big up to the guys continue doing this wonderful job, indeed you make us proud siyi sizwe sikaMthwakazi ibambeni kanjalo madoda," said Nkosizwile Sibanda from Nkayi.
"I launch ye DVD ibe yimpumelelo enkulu kakhulu, abantu bawujabulela kakhulu loyamsebenzi njalo okukhulu kukho konke isizwe sasijabulele ukuyazitholela lona I DVD bake bayezidlalela lona ezindlini. Eqinisweni bambalwa abantu abahamba bengenalo I DVD. Le DVD ijabulisa loba ngubani ikakhulu ingoma le ethi Iqhawe LakoMhlanhlandlela ilomlayezo othatha umuntu uyemshiya le kwelakwa Zulu abeseqala uhambo lweNkosi yethu uMzilikazi ngengqondo ize iyekushiya kwelika Mthwakazi. Sabona lalokho esikubiza nge biskop, sasiqala ke ukuba lomcimbi oveza lokhuyana yize sikwazi nje. Ngithi ngiyabonga kuso isizwe sikaMzilikazi esibonisa ukubambana okunjeyana ngibonge labaculi njalo ababebonisa ukujabulela umsebenzi owenziwe ngaMabhukudwana ihambisana leNsukamini,ngithi phambili ngokubambana asivuke isizwe sakithi isizwe sikaMzilikazi. Halala Mthwakazi omuhle," said Tees Nkomo (aka umama wesizwe) from Plumtree.
"Uyabona Amabhukudwana adume ngokuhlela lokuhleleka. Into yabo yonke abayenzayo iyacaca ngoba bayenza ngobunono obukhulu. Njalo mina selokhu ngahamba imcimbi yama launch ako Mthwakazi leyi ibelomehluko kakhulu ngoba ihlanganise bonke abaculi baka Maskandi ngoba phela Amabhukudwane vele bahambela yonke imcimbi baxhasa bonke abaculi yikho labo bethole yonke inhlonipho. kubosowabo omaskandi bako Mthwakazi, abako Mthaniya kunye labanye nje omkhaya njengoba sibone labadlali be Rumba lokho kubonise ukubambana njengesizwe. Ngiyawubonga umsebenzi waMabhukudwana bayisibonelo esihle kakhulu njalo ngendlela abahlonipha ngayo abantu yenza labo bahlale behlonipheka.
Mina lamaqembu engisebenza lawo Abafana baka Mzilikazi kanye le Sqholo Sase Zhwane besivele sisebenza e studio ngosuku lwe launch kodwa senze isinqumo sokuthi lakanjani sizovela sizoxhasa lezinsizwa ngoba kusukela kudala sisebenzisana lazo sijabule kakhulu ngokubakhona njalo siyababongela ngomsebenzi omuhle abawenzileyo lathi sifunde okunengi kubo," said Beven Tshuma from Tsholotsho.
"Ngilapha ngimele I committee yaMabhukudwana LeNsukamini. Ngidlulisa ukubonga kuyo I committee indlela esisebenza ngayo leqembu inhle kakhulu njalo iyenza umsebenzi ubeyimpumelelo, uncomeke ngokunjalo. Umcimbi weqembu le AM uyohlala ubajabulisa abantu njengalokhu sikwenzile ngokubambisana njalo I AM music production iyohlala ikhona ivuselela amasiko wakithi ko Mthwakazi. Usiko kithi lubalulekile kakhulu. Ingoma zethu zikhombisa umhlaba wonke ukuthi sibuyile isizwe sikaMthwakazi," said Ndumiso Mafu from Gwanda.
The 13 tracks on this DVD were taken from various albums from Amabhukudwana and Insukamini who form AM Music. They include:
1 Sengizogugel' emazweni by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
2 Lukhulu Luyeza ft Umbuzeni by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
3 Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
4 Umthakathi by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
5 Senzo Meyiwa by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
6 Yith' AmaNdebele by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
7 Hambani kahle by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
8 Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
9 Nibahle Mantombazane by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
10 Khuzani Abafana by Amabhukudwana (Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli)
11 Iyamemeza by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
12 Umzilakawulandelwa (Tribute to King Lobhengula) by Insukamini (Lukhulu Luyeza)
13 EZamanyoni by Insukamini (Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela)
Amabhukudwana and Insukamini each have two albums namely Giya Mthwakazi (2012), Khuzani Amaphoyisa AseGoli (2014), Iqhawe Lako Mhlahlandlela (2013) and Lukhulu Luyeza (2015) respectively.
The CDs cost just R50 whilst the DVD cost a mere R80.
They can be found on FB : Amabhukudwana/Insukamini (AM MUSIC), Amabhukudwana.
Twitter: @Amabhukudwana Music
+27 78 365 2714 +27 82 702 1309
Source - Vusmann