Entertainment / Music
1ns and 2s with Dj-Sticha - Monetization: 12 Ways to Make Money from YouTube
01 Jun 2016 at 08:21hrs | Views

As ama artist emhlabeni ngikholelwa ekuthini we are one of the people abasebenza kanzima ukujabulisa abanye noma kusidla epoketini lethu, ngoba @ times kuyadingeka ukhiphe from your own pocket ungabi nenzuzo in the name of uthando lomculo. We spend a lotta money designing ama artcover, recording, mixing and mastering qede siphisane ngalowo mculo mahala that's marketing for you. At times kuba nzima ukuthi imali iphume ingangeni kodwa that shouldn't stop you from giving abantu iquality ngakho ke today ngifuna ukuxoxela ngento ephambi kwakho kodwa ongakaze uyithathele phezulu engakunika imadlana eceleni to help fund your projects. I'll give you free pointers on how to make money from Youtube ngomsebenzi wakho, kulula nje ukusetta a Youtube channel okumele ukwenze nje is to share your work with the world.
1) Monetize Your Channel
It takes a minute to set up, but once you do you can set all your videos to be monetized. YouTube selects ads to be shown against your videos, you get a portion of the revenue. It's that simple.
2) Make More Videos… Any Videos
What, you think just by setting the monetization up that the millions flow quickly? No, they need videos to do that. The good news is that it can be ANY video. Don't wait to finish that song. Make fun quick videos (at least a minute long) talking about anything. Sure, some of them may make you just a couple of pennies. But over time the volume could start collecting into something meaningful.
3) Get People to Watch More Videos
OK, so someone comes in to watch one video. Might they want to watch two so you can make more money? Maybe, but make it easy for them. Make a playlist of your videos and direct people into watching a playlist instead of an individual video. Every view counts.
4) Set Annotations to Link to iTunes
Once you have a monetized account that has no copyright dings against it, you can enable your annotations to have live links to iTunes, Beats98, Google Play and more. Just set Enable on annotations and add one to your video. Voila. Instant traffic to sell your downloads.
5) YouTube Content ID Fingerprinting
Make sure your music is put into a database that allows YouTube to match anytime your song is used. That means every time your music is added to a random skateboarding or fashion video, you'll get a slice of the revenue. If your distributor doesn't offer it, use a service like Audiam or INDmusic(you can research more that's all I know about these services).
6) Join a Network
Have a great audience to work from? You can join a YouTube network such as Fullscreen or Maker Studios who leverage your audience for higher ad rates. They may also bring other monetizing opportunities for your videos, not to mention cross promotional opportunities to drive up views.
7) Put Your Video on VEVO
If your music videos are high quality and can attract a large audience, consider placing your video on VEVO. You get the advantage of both the YouTube and the VEVO network for visibility, they may promote your video to other viewers to get more views, and they pay at a rate significantly higher than YouTube.
8) Patreon
How about a guaranteed payment from your fans for each video you put up no matter how many views it gets? Patreon is a unique model where your fans pledge small monetary figures for Kickstarter-style rewards. The results is knowing how much money you might make from a video before you even make it!(Ngicela uthathe isikhathi and research some other venues too)
9) (Nearly) Free Banner Ads
Little known fact. If you spend just $1 on YouTube ads to your video, you can put up a free banner ad at the beginning of the video that can go anywhere you want. Sell merch, concert tickets…anything. After you place an ad, a "Call-To-Action Overlay" tab will appear on your Info/Settings tab in Video Manager. Voila, free promotion to sell your wares.
10) Trailers
YouTube is encouraging channel owners to make a 30 second commercial promoting your channel and placing it on the front page of your Channel page. Great. You can also sign up on Fan Finder and they'll run the ad in front of other videos for free. Bringing in fans and revenue. Genius!
11) Description Links
After you include the basic information on your video in the description, make sure you add outbound links to everything that you'd like to sell to prospective fans. Merch stores, iTunes, Spotify…all great places to draw your fans to for further revenue.
12) Licensing Companies
Don't wait for someone to randomly find your song to put behind them on YouTube. Have people who are actively looking for songs to license. Companies like Audiosocket and CueSongs allow artists to have YouTubers legally license songs for their videos for low rates. Exposure + Revenue = Awesome
That's all I have for you today feel free to connect with me sixoxe sifundisane ngaphezu kwalokho ungesab' ukureseacher ulwazi lulahliwe at your fingertips, get my latest deep house tune mahala just click "free" and get it unike nabanye ngeyakithi lento.
Back to Black_Free download: http://beats98.com/album/67
Masicobelane ulwazi, masikhulisane emculweni.
1) Monetize Your Channel
It takes a minute to set up, but once you do you can set all your videos to be monetized. YouTube selects ads to be shown against your videos, you get a portion of the revenue. It's that simple.
2) Make More Videos… Any Videos
What, you think just by setting the monetization up that the millions flow quickly? No, they need videos to do that. The good news is that it can be ANY video. Don't wait to finish that song. Make fun quick videos (at least a minute long) talking about anything. Sure, some of them may make you just a couple of pennies. But over time the volume could start collecting into something meaningful.
3) Get People to Watch More Videos
OK, so someone comes in to watch one video. Might they want to watch two so you can make more money? Maybe, but make it easy for them. Make a playlist of your videos and direct people into watching a playlist instead of an individual video. Every view counts.
4) Set Annotations to Link to iTunes
Once you have a monetized account that has no copyright dings against it, you can enable your annotations to have live links to iTunes, Beats98, Google Play and more. Just set Enable on annotations and add one to your video. Voila. Instant traffic to sell your downloads.
5) YouTube Content ID Fingerprinting
Make sure your music is put into a database that allows YouTube to match anytime your song is used. That means every time your music is added to a random skateboarding or fashion video, you'll get a slice of the revenue. If your distributor doesn't offer it, use a service like Audiam or INDmusic(you can research more that's all I know about these services).
6) Join a Network
Have a great audience to work from? You can join a YouTube network such as Fullscreen or Maker Studios who leverage your audience for higher ad rates. They may also bring other monetizing opportunities for your videos, not to mention cross promotional opportunities to drive up views.
7) Put Your Video on VEVO
If your music videos are high quality and can attract a large audience, consider placing your video on VEVO. You get the advantage of both the YouTube and the VEVO network for visibility, they may promote your video to other viewers to get more views, and they pay at a rate significantly higher than YouTube.
8) Patreon
How about a guaranteed payment from your fans for each video you put up no matter how many views it gets? Patreon is a unique model where your fans pledge small monetary figures for Kickstarter-style rewards. The results is knowing how much money you might make from a video before you even make it!(Ngicela uthathe isikhathi and research some other venues too)
9) (Nearly) Free Banner Ads
Little known fact. If you spend just $1 on YouTube ads to your video, you can put up a free banner ad at the beginning of the video that can go anywhere you want. Sell merch, concert tickets…anything. After you place an ad, a "Call-To-Action Overlay" tab will appear on your Info/Settings tab in Video Manager. Voila, free promotion to sell your wares.
10) Trailers
YouTube is encouraging channel owners to make a 30 second commercial promoting your channel and placing it on the front page of your Channel page. Great. You can also sign up on Fan Finder and they'll run the ad in front of other videos for free. Bringing in fans and revenue. Genius!
11) Description Links
After you include the basic information on your video in the description, make sure you add outbound links to everything that you'd like to sell to prospective fans. Merch stores, iTunes, Spotify…all great places to draw your fans to for further revenue.
12) Licensing Companies
Don't wait for someone to randomly find your song to put behind them on YouTube. Have people who are actively looking for songs to license. Companies like Audiosocket and CueSongs allow artists to have YouTubers legally license songs for their videos for low rates. Exposure + Revenue = Awesome
That's all I have for you today feel free to connect with me sixoxe sifundisane ngaphezu kwalokho ungesab' ukureseacher ulwazi lulahliwe at your fingertips, get my latest deep house tune mahala just click "free" and get it unike nabanye ngeyakithi lento.
Back to Black_Free download: http://beats98.com/album/67
Masicobelane ulwazi, masikhulisane emculweni.
Source - Dj-Sticha