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ULoyiko to be showcased at Zabalaza theatre festival

by Thulani Nkala
24 Feb 2018 at 13:49hrs | Views
ULoyiko theatre play will be showcased at the annual Zabalaza festival on the 14th March 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa. ULoyiko is a theatre play by Siphesakhe Youth Organisation about the gukurahundi genocide which took place in Matabeleland in 1983 to 1987.

Zabalaza festival has become the most prestigious and a huge annual event in South Africa's Western Cape. "Zabalaza is a Baxter Theatre Centre development programme that develops theatre practitioners from in and around Western Cape by providing them with performance platforms so that they can realise their creative concepts" reads part of Zabalaza literature. "Creativity, when given encouragement and opportunity knows no limitation" is Zabalaza's motto which aptly describes the journey which ULoyiko has travelled to date. When uLoyiko was first staged in Johannesburg, Hillbrow Theatre many thought it was going to fizzle out soon, however, the brains behind uLoyiko have shown amazing tenacity and resilience. They have carried out an extensive research regarding the Matabeleland genocide. From where I stand I will not be surprised if the the Zabalaza festival catapults them to international stardom.

The venue for the Zabalaza festival will at The University of Cape Town.
 Baxter theatre
Concert Hall.
Admission: R30
Time: 7pm
Date 14 March 2018

"Uloyiko (Fear) exposes the brutal past of the Matabeleland genocide linking it with Umkhonto Wesizwe's challenge of securing military bases in Matabeleland soon after Zimbabwe's independence. It brings into reality on how African politics is at the mercy of ethnic bigotry and its progress  hampered by tribalism more than any other factor. Through the backdrop of Zimbabwe's 1980s power grab and tribalism the play seeks to project to the world the evils of these isms and  promote democratic fundamentals that are based on equality and accountability for the genocide which has been swept under the carpet for almost 40 years" reads part of uLoyiko's press statement.

"We invite everybody to the festival to come a witness a polished performance from uLoyiko cast, in addition to uLoyiko there would be other dozens groups showcasing their talents" Mr Yanga Mhluzi said
"See you all there" he concluded.

The issue of the Matabeleland genocide is now quickly gaining international recognition, soon somebody would be held accountable to the atrocities. Last week the citizens of Bulawayo and their organisations such as the MRP and 1893 MRM chased away Mnangagwa's so called National Peace and Reconciliation commission. Mqondisi Moyo was outside of Bulawayo on a campaign trail when the spectacle began, the commission had to call him to come back and talk to his people and when he arrived he sided with the people. That's how Mqondisi Moyo has become so important and indespensible in the Mthwakazi politics. He is a quiet spoken leader yet astute, principled and visionary.

Source - Thulani Nkala