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Magret Mwamuka to perform in five cities

by Nigel Siziba
11 Oct 2018 at 05:28hrs | Views
THE award winning gospel artist Magret Mwamuka will perform in five major Cities within a month as a way of preaching the word of God.

In an interview she said it has always been her dream to do such galas as she used to see them when she grew up.

"I used to see people going to big stadiums to enjoy themselves and I asked myself that why can't I do something for my God and these galas that am having are free of charge," she said.

She also said that these galas will begin in Mutare and she chose to perform in five venues as five is the number of grace.

"We will begin our galas at Mutare on the twelfth of October at Utate Gardens, next day will be at Masvingo at Charles Austin Theatre, then 27 October I will Grace Gweru followed by Victoria Falls on three November and lastly Bulawayo at Family of God church," she said.

She also said that these galas will change the landscape of gospel.

"These galas are for free so as musicians we always have to give back to the community and am confident people will receive as we will have people from all walks of life," she said.

She also gave a big thanks to individuals who are working round the clock to make this a success.

"People are so excited they are all over the place asking us where we will be staying and they are so many people who believe in this thing and I will have a three minute chat about my past so that it can help someone, I can say this is another dimension for the gala," said Mwamuka.

This is will be a new era as she lamented that these shows will be happening annually.

"These shows will be happening annually, we also have the wish to a round trip to every province, because there is something that happens if we come together as the body of Christ rains will come and our nation will be healed," she said.


Source - Nigel Siziba