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Macheso packs Guruve hotel

by Simbarashe Sithole
09 Jul 2022 at 13:05hrs | Views
Thousands of Sungura lovers around Guruve yesterday  braved the cold and came to see the King of Sungura  Alick Macheso  live on stage.

Macheso was hosted by prominent  Guruve businesswoman and music promoter Monica "Mai Mabhena" Chikanda who is also  the  Hotel owner.

Fans who spoke to this publication thanked Mai Mabhena for inviting  Macheso.

"We enjoyed  Sungura and this is because Mai Mabhena  saw it fit to invite Macheso so we would like to thank her so much," said a St Francis teacher one Valentine. 

"Macheso never disappoints we are happy to watch his perfomance  live here and today is my birthday hence this is a very good surprise," Collen "Kabho" Magetsi said.

Mai Mabhena was grateful and promised to keep inviting  different artistes at her hotel.

"I am very grateful that people came in their thousands and that is a very good start especially  after coming from lockdown hence l promise to promote various artistes," she said.

Today Macheso takes his Ochestra Mberikwazvo band to Mt Darwin and tomorrow he will have a family show in Bindura as he makes sure that his album "Tinosvitswa Nashe"reaches all places

Source - Byo24News