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Mai Chisamba to record two episodes in Bulawayo

by Staff reporter
22 Feb 2018 at 00:47hrs | Views
BULAWAYO Theatre will be the place to be today if one wants to appear on television as popular ZBCtv talk show host Dr Rebecca Chisamba, popularly known as Mai Chisamba, will record two episodes in the city.

The recordings will start at 10AM and entry will be free.

The first of the episodes according to Mai Chisamba will look at Kubvisa huwori pakutora zvitambi (how to eradicate corruption in acquiring driver's licences) and Chii chinodzikisa rudo? (what kills relationships).

"We have seen the reports of people buying licences and how that leads to road carnage so we'll be discussing why this is happening, why hasn't it been stopped, who is involved and why people haven't reported those who give and take bribes," said Mai Chisamba.

"We shall have representatives from the VID, Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe, driving school instructors and other stakeholders."

Mai Chisamba said the second topic would be a part two of an initial one which she recorded in Harare.

"Couples at the beginning of their marriages start off in love and can't get enough of each other. But as the years go by, they lose that zeal. We also want to establish the possible cause," she said.

In line with ZBCtv's drive to promote local languages Mai Chisamba said people can come and contribute in their mother tongue.

"I encourage people to come through as the show is open to everyone. You can speak in Shona, Ndebele, Kalanga and any other language as long as we'll have people to translate."

Mai Chisamba last recorded her programme in Bulawayo two years ago. The response from followers was overwhelming as they packed the Rainbow Cinemas. This response prompted Mai Chisamba at that time to consider using a larger venue for her next recording.

The Mai Chisamba show airs every Sunday at 9PM after the main news at 8PM. Mai Chisamba, a decorated television personality and a teacher by training, has scooped numerous awards for her role as the executive producer and host of the talk show that tackles topical issues that affect the modern Zimbabwean society.

A mother of five and a grandmother of two, Mai Chisamba has been honoured for upholding traditional African values and local languages, and for using the mass media effectively in advocating for a gender balanced society.

Source - chronicle