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Why do kids love Christmas?
29 Aug 2018 at 02:55hrs | Views

Christmas is considered the time for kids. As soon as you tell them that Christmas is about to come, they will feel excited. Over the years of celebrating Christmas, your kids felt something positive. It could be the reason why they could not contain their excitement now that it is Christmas time again.
To begin with, children love Christmas decorations. From the lights to the trees, everything about Christmas is fun for them. You can ask their help in setting the Christmas tree up. You can also ask them to decide where to put the decorations. It is like playing with their toys. Hence, it becomes an enjoyable activity for them.
Another reason is that they can eat whatever they want. You might remember when you were young. Your home always smelled great. Your mom baked lots of treats. You might also be doing the same for your kids. Hence, they become excited about the idea that Christmas is near.
Most of all, they are on a break. You are on a break too. You spend time with each other. During the entire year, when everyone is busy, you might not have enough time to bond. Now is the chance for you to do the things you no longer do. You can read more bedtime stories to them. You can also play outdoors with them even if it is cold. You can dine together as a family. These small things mean a lot to them.
Santa makes them excited too
You might have also told them about Santa Claus, this big man who gives Christmas presents to cute kids. The idea of having someone giving away Christmas presents to good kids will make them feel even more excited. You can also sense that they are becoming better as Christmas approaches.
Make the most of your time
Since you have a lot of time together, and there are things they would love doing with you, make the most of it. If they believe that Santa is real, why don't you write a letter to Santa together? Tell them that if Santa reads this letter, they might receive gifts. To make it more believable, order Santa cards from They offer quality Santa cards that look like Santa will accept them. You can also buy one that serves as a fake letter from Santa in response to their message.
In their letter to Santa, tell them that they need to brag about the good deeds that they have done throughout the year. They can also talk about why they deserve to receive a gift, and what specific gift they want to receive. Once they finish, you can put the letter in the Christmas stocking.
The whole season is festive, exciting and meaningful for kids. They love everything about Christmas, even the smallest details. There is no wonder they get easily excited by the idea of celebrating Christmas. Let your kids have fun. They won't be kids for too long. While they are, let them remain excited about Christmas.
To begin with, children love Christmas decorations. From the lights to the trees, everything about Christmas is fun for them. You can ask their help in setting the Christmas tree up. You can also ask them to decide where to put the decorations. It is like playing with their toys. Hence, it becomes an enjoyable activity for them.
Another reason is that they can eat whatever they want. You might remember when you were young. Your home always smelled great. Your mom baked lots of treats. You might also be doing the same for your kids. Hence, they become excited about the idea that Christmas is near.
Santa makes them excited too
You might have also told them about Santa Claus, this big man who gives Christmas presents to cute kids. The idea of having someone giving away Christmas presents to good kids will make them feel even more excited. You can also sense that they are becoming better as Christmas approaches.
Make the most of your time
Since you have a lot of time together, and there are things they would love doing with you, make the most of it. If they believe that Santa is real, why don't you write a letter to Santa together? Tell them that if Santa reads this letter, they might receive gifts. To make it more believable, order Santa cards from They offer quality Santa cards that look like Santa will accept them. You can also buy one that serves as a fake letter from Santa in response to their message.
In their letter to Santa, tell them that they need to brag about the good deeds that they have done throughout the year. They can also talk about why they deserve to receive a gift, and what specific gift they want to receive. Once they finish, you can put the letter in the Christmas stocking.
The whole season is festive, exciting and meaningful for kids. They love everything about Christmas, even the smallest details. There is no wonder they get easily excited by the idea of celebrating Christmas. Let your kids have fun. They won't be kids for too long. While they are, let them remain excited about Christmas.
Source - Agencies