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Mistakes to avoid when planning your wedding

by Staff Writer
30 Dec 2020 at 20:36hrs | Views
Image: Pixabay
When you are planning your wedding, you need to make sure that you are getting everything right. This can be difficult to do if you have never planned a wedding before but that doesn't mean that it is impossible. Planning a wedding can be overwhelming but if you learn from the mistakes that other couples have made, you can avoid making the same mistakes at your own wedding.

In this guide, we'll tell you all about these mistakes so keep reading to find out more.

Spending Your Budget Too Soon
Every wedding needs to have a budget, otherwise, you can run out of money quite quickly. Weddings are expensive and once you start paying for your dress, booking the venue and hiring suppliers, the cash can start to disappear. Some couples make the mistake of spending all of their budget far too early into the process and this can cause problems further down the line.
You should try to plan your budget and each thing that you'll spend it on. Some things like the venue and the catering will be more expensive than other elements such as the invites. Don't splurge at the start of the planning process, otherwise, you could be in trouble when you don't have any more money to spend.

Getting Caught Up in Family Politics
Wedding planning is usually something that is done by the engaged couple and some members of their close family. Of course, when you have a tight budget and a large family, it can be difficult to make sure that everyone gets an invite for the big day. This tends to cause some arguments as parents typically want their extended family to be invited but there often just isn't enough space.
It can be easy to get caught up in the arguments, but this is something that you should avoid if you want to plan your wedding with very little stress involved. Don't make the mistakes that others have made – create your own guestlist and only take input from those who you think will help the process.

Ordering Your Dress Too Late
The wedding dress is one of the most important parts of the big day, so you need to make sure that you find the perfect outfit. Some people go to many stores before they find the perfect dress, but others can find theirs on the first day. The process of choosing a dress can be difficult if you are indecisive and you have a tight budget. However, you must make sure that you don't make the mistake of ordering your dress too late.

The problem with this is that you typically need to have your dress altered before the big day. There are usually at least two fittings before you actually wear it and these need to be spread apart so that the store has time to adjust your dress. If you leave this until its too late, you could end up wearing a dress that doesn't fit perfectly.

Skipping the Videographer
At every wedding, there is usually a photographer who is there to capture photos of the happy couple and their family. Some photographers have their own styles and will focus more on casual shots throughout the day. This can be nice as it feels less forced and allows more of your guests to get involved. Additionally, videographers can capture this throughout the ceremony and the reception.
In 2020, having a videographer is often at the top of the list for some couples. Many regret not having a videographer there as they don't have much footage to look back on. Yes, a videographer will be expensive to hire for an entire day, but if you skip this part, you could regret it like other couples have in the past.

Trying to Do It Alone
If your other half is very busy in the lead-up to the wedding it can be tempting to try and organise everything by yourself. However, this can be a big mistake as you can actually ruin the wedding planning process and end up resenting the big day when it comes around. If you are planning on doing it without your partner, a wedding planner or a close friend might be able to help.
Unless you are an extremely organised person and you have a lot of spare time, you aren't going to pull off an amazing wedding on your own. Try to avoid doing it alone if you want to create something truly magical.

Forgetting the Important Part
Weddings are supposed to be a celebration of your love and so they need to be special. The idea of getting everything perfect can often cause a lot of stress and couples end up forgetting about why they are doing this in the first place. This can be a big mistake as you won't be able to look back on your wedding in the future and enjoy the memories.
Try to keep calm throughout the entire process and you'll be able to stay in control. There will be tension between family members and possibly even the happy couple. This day is about you so create something special and you'll remember it forever.

Avoid These Common Mistakes
If you are planning your wedding over the next few years, you should try your best to avoid all of the common mistakes that we have covered in this article. There are so many couples who have come before you and you can usually get some tips from friends and family members. Try to plan ahead as much as possible and control your budget so you don't run out of money.
Above all else, remember that this is your special day, so you get to make the final calls on the guestlists, the flowers and the bridesmaid's outfits. Hopefully, you'll be able to pull off something really special regardless of the total budget that you have for the big day.

Source - Byo24News