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A chat with Auntie Noe - Relationship issues

by Nobuhle Virgie
11 Jul 2016 at 14:52hrs | Views
Auntie Noe! I am a men aged 33years and my wife 30years, we are blessed with a baby girl, my problem is I need sex at list twice per week but my wife is against that, she is comfortable with once in two weeks time so I found it very difficult. Auntie is this possible, can you please assist

Auntie Noe
She probably has low sex drive or there is something that is bothering her. You did not mention if this only started now or if she has been like that ever since. I suggest you sit down with her and try and talk to her and make her understand how it makes you feel.
I also advice that you check on your sexual performance, maybe its also a contributing factor. When does she seem to enjoy your love making? Do you try new things on her or it has become routine?
Also know that sex doesn't start in the bedroom, sex starts during the day, checking up on her, telling her how much she means to you, pampering her etc....

Thank you


Helo auntie . I have a problem that at times it affects me even sexually .my husband is unemployed he goes on part time jobs but then wen that part time is done. He does not even bother to look for another better job.he has the qualifications and everything one can use to look for a job but all he does is sleep.if i wake up early in the morning he remains in bed and wakes up wen i have gone to work.if he wakes up all he thinks of is going to a beerhall and go out with friends and i have to fend for the family.

Auntie Noe
That is a very sad situation. Even the Bible says a man is supposed to be a provider. Yes getting a job is difficult for some people but the little he gets from par time jobs is supposed to help the family somehow.Have you tried talking to him about this? I suggest you sit down with him and try to lay out some facts. Tell him how his being irresponsible is ruining the family and how it makes you feel. Don't fight him, be as polite as possible. If he still doesn't change get a family member to talk to him and if it doesn't work I suggest you both go for counselling.
Thank you


I have a boyfrend tht i love so much i have a child also from a previous relationship ma boyfrend doesnt have a child at all ...n ma baby s family are well up and they want him with them all e tym ...i dn have a prob w that ...i lov ma boyfrend buh ma problem is he told me he doesnt want ma baby he just wants me is t a good thing fo him tu say ..m confused does t make him a good person o wat i don have a prob w ma kid n i wasnt going tu push him tu look after him cz ma child has his family tht loves him so muchh buh is ths a good guy doesnt this make him seem heartless i dn want to b in a relationship w a wrong person again plzzz helpp.....i wl appreciate

Auntie Noe
I believe when someone loves you, they should love you with the whole package. If he has a problem with your child I suggest you leave him. Imagine if you guys make a commitment and get married, what will happen to your child? Would you choose a partner over your own child? This really is non negotiable. Try to talk to him but if still he doesn't understand I strongly suggest you leave him.
Thank you


Hallo. plz help I'm in a relationship in wc my husband doesn't allow me go over his phone instead it has security code in every folder bt every time wen I come from work he browse every corner of my phone n its hurt me.wat can I do ? Can I also set security codes? Pliz help ....I'm now smelling cheating frm him.

Auntie Noe
Its not fair for him to go through your phone and not allow you to do the same. From what you've pointed out I ought to believe you both have trust issues and a relationship without trust only heads for doom.
What makes you so badly want to check his phone? What makes him com home from work and scroll through your phone?
You really need to fix this before it goes out of hand. Talk to him or seek counselling.
Thank you

Nobuhle Virgie (Auntie Noe) is our weekly lifestyle and relationship columnist. If you have any relationship or lifestyle issues that you need to be assisted on email her at or send us a whatsapp (+447496478384) message and Auntie Noe will try by all means to help you on the matter.

Source - Nobuhle Virgie