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Over 960 teachers to benefit from ProFuturo Teacher Development Programme

by Chamunorwa Matanhike
08 Jun 2022 at 02:24hrs | Views
Participants pose for a photo at ProFuturo launch in Mudzi District
Over 960 secondary school teachers in Chivi, Mudzi and Mutoko are set to benefit from the ProFuturo Teacher Development Programme being implemented by Teach For Zimbabwe in Chivi, Mutoko and Mudzi Districts.

This was revealed at a recent launch in Mudzi and Chivi which was executed using a blended approach, where some attended virtually and some physically.

The training is targeted at improving future prospects of thousands of learners in disadvantaged areas in Africa through the provision of an educational ecosystem which has effective and committed teachers.

The launch brought together key stakeholders from Spain, Chivi, Chiredzi and Mudzi such as Teach For Spain Project Manager Marta Brisset, Chivi District Development Coordinator Mr Innocent Matingwina, Chivi Rural District Council Acting CEO Mr Achibold Ncube, Chiredzi District Schools Inspector Mrs Petronella Nyangwe, Acting Chivi District Schools Inspector Mr Tindire Muzondo, Mudzi District Schools Inspector David Mayimbo and Teach For Zimbabwe CEO Dr Mirriam Farai Jabangwe-Siwela.

In attendance also were District Economist in Mudzi DDC office Pauline Kabasa, Schools Inspector Evershine Ndongwe, Schools Inspector Headman Hungwe (Visual and Performing Arts), Schools Inspector Luckmore Gosa (Infant) school heads and Teach For Zimbabwe staff and fellows. Speaking at the launch Chivi District Development Coordinator Innocent Matingwina urged stakeholders to unite and embrace the programme. "As stakeholders let us put our heads together and embrace the type of teaching brought by our partner Teach For Zimbabwe. What we should put to the back of our minds is that partners are there to compliment or to bridge the gap between government and the world so we need to embrace the kind of teaching that is being brought by Teach for Zimbabwe."

"Let's as key stakeholders work hand in glove to make sure that what has been put before us sees the light of day. If there is no unity, we are bund to fall but if there is unity of purpose among stakeholders you would find that the programme will succeed," he said.

In her speech Chiredzi District Schools Inspector Petronella Nyangwe thanked TFZ and commended the ProFuturo programme for being so useful to teachers.

"I would like to thank Teach For Zimbabwe for all the programmes they are implementing in our district in Chiredzi.One of those programmes is the ProFuturo workshops that they implemented in Chiredzi last year (2021)."

"Some of the knowledge and skills we got were vey useful and helpful to our teachers. Because of Covid 19 lockdowns teachers had to resort to digital platforms to deliver lessons to their learners. Our teachers were equipped in that manner," she said.

Mudzi District Schools Inspector David Mayimbo said ProFuturo is going to enhance digital literacy and urged school heads and teachers to attend without fail ProFuturo workshops.

"It (ProFuturo) will enhance digital learning and improve on pass rates. Computer literacy and e-learning will be improved."

"Heads and teachers are advised to take the programme seriously and not to fail to attend the workshops," he said.

Teach For Zimbabwe CEO Dr Mirriam Farai Jabangwe-Siwela said she was excited to launch the programme in Chivi and Mudzi districts and thanked stakeholders for embracing ProFuturo.

"I'm excited about this programme today. What a pleasure it is to partner with Telefonica Foundation, la Caixa" Foundation and Teach For Spain to give you this ProFuturo programme which is something that is so wonderful."

"Thank you so much for embracing this programme and realising that we need each other to make sure that education becomes powerful. The only way we can leapfrog to become developed is when we embrace such wonderful programmes like this," she said.

Teach For Spain Project Manager Marta Brisset thanked stakeholders for supporting ProFuturo and commended Teach For Zimbabwe for doing a splendid job. "I would like to take this chance to thank all participants and all the stakeholders. District Development Coordinator, District Schools Inspectors, Rural District Council officials, National Association of School Heads and school heads. I think it is very important to have your support."

"There is no doubt in my mind that Teach For Zimbabwe is doing a great job by training more than 1000 teachers in 2021 and the aim of training more than 900 in 2022," she said.

The launch of ProFuturo was well received by participants as shown by Kotwa High School Head Mr Claudius Makiwa who pleaded with Teach For Zimbabwe to train his school first in Mudzi when the training of secondary school teachers commence.

According to Teach For Zimbabwe Head of Development and ProFuturo Project Manager Kundai Matyora, in 2021 ProFuturo trained 1025 secondary school teachers and fellows in Chiredzi and Mutoko and in 2022 Profuturo intends to train over 960 secondary school teachers in Chivi, Mutoko and Mudzi.

Under the ProFuturo programme, Teach for Zimbabwe trains secondary school heads and teachers Basic Digital Skills, Vision and Planning, Classroom Culture Check for Understanding, Large Group Management Strategies and Emotional Education modules in sixteen hours spread over two days.

Source - Chamunorwa Matanhike