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How to stop spread of cholera
16 Sep 2018 at 07:25hrs | Views

The best way to stop the spread of cholera is to stop the transmission routes.
Hand washing with soap, ash or chlorine solution: Hand washing should be done after visiting the toilet, after cleaning a child's bottom, before preparing food and before eating.
Only drink safe water: Water is made safe through boiling or chlorination, for example with aqua tabs. Make sure the water container is clean and properly closed.
Cook food thoroughly: Avoid undercooked or raw food. Peel any fruits and vegetables. Clean kitchen utensils with soap, chlorine solution or in boiling water.
Keep kitchen area clean.
Dispose of/bury excreta and vomit in a safe place, away from any water source. If available, use latrine. Do not defecate in any water body.
If you suspect someone has cholera
Immediately start giving oral rehydration solution (ORS).
Seek professional healthcare as cholera can kill within hours. This could be a local health centre, ORS point or a cholera treatment centre. Continue giving ORS while going to the health centre.
Continue to breastfeed your baby if they have watery diarrhoea, even when travelling to get treatment.
If ORS sachets are available, ensure correct measurements to mix the solution and only use safe water. Give ORS at least 5-7 times per day. Even if ORS sachets are not available it is necessary to replace lost fluids until reaching a health facility, like for example soups, but avoid sugary drinks.
While caring for a patient with suspected cholera …
Wash hands with soap, ash or chlorine solution after taking care of patients – touching them, their stools, their vomits or their clothes.
Do not contaminate the water source by washing the patient's or your own clothes in the water. The clothes should be washed in chorine solution or boiled while stirring. Dry the clothes in direct sunlight.
Wash latrines and places where the person might have had diarrhoea or have been vomiting with chlorine solution or soap. Inform and explain good hygiene practices to people in the family or other people that have been in contact with the patient.
What should you do if you or your family is ill with diarrhoea
Go immediately to the nearest health facility, cholera treatment centre, or community health worker, if you can.
Continue to drink ORS at home and while you travel to get treatment.
Continue to breastfeed your baby if they have watery diarrhoea, even when traveling to get treatment.
Source - Unicef