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Lupane State University a potential COVID-19 hotspot

by Philani Simango
15 Jun 2021 at 14:52hrs | Views
Lupane State University is a timely time bomb for the corona virus after the decision by it's authorities to converge at all students at the compass.

Over the years, the institution has some of it's staff and students based in Bulawayo but currently more than 5000 are housed at the institution.

The concern of the virus comes after a source from St Luke's Hospital told this publication that four cases of Coronaviruses was recorded at Lupane last week further placing the institution into more danger as students mingle with the society.

"We have a potential hotspot here my brother. Just last week four cases were reported here and imagine if only one student catches the virus. This will spread like veld fire I tell you," said the official from St Luke's who refused to be named. The compass abondened it's Bulawayo compass on the first of June 2021. Concerns raised by students and health officials have fallen on deaf ears.

Effort to get a comment from the registrar were fruit less as his mobile phone was not reachable. Government on Monday reintroduced a lockdown as a way to contain rising coronavirus cases in the southern African nation.

Announcing the reintroduction of the lockdown Saturday night on national television, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga said complacency had resulted in a recent spike in cases of the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 disease.     Our vaccination against in COVID-19 is going on very well," he said. "The country is however experiencing a surge in cases. The last seven days has seen 596 new cases and 26 deaths, as compared to the same period in May last year where we had 132 cases and six deaths."

Chiwenga,  who doubles as Zimbabwe's health minister, said all gatherings except for funerals would be banned comes Monday. Only 30 people would be allowed at funerals. He did not indicate when the new measures would be reviewed.

Source - Byo24News