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Gokwe North district hospital faces mass exodus of nurses

by Simbarashe Sithole in Gokwe
15 Nov 2021 at 13:16hrs | Views
Gokwe North District Hospital (GNDH) is facing a mass exodus of nurses, has learnt

Nurses at the hospital claim they are not satisfied with the way the hospital is being managed.

Speaking to the publication the nurses said the management is paying a deaf ear to their griviences.

"Some of the reasons why people are transferring should have been addressed at our hospital.They have nothing to do with our slave wage." lamented one disgruntled nurse who spoke on condition of anonymity.

It is alleged that some problems are centred on what they call clansmen and nepotism when it comes to selection of people who go for programs where they will get an incentive.They accused the community department and matron of brazenly disregarding the standard operating procedure.

"Workshops and programs are meant for those who are originally from Gokwe and those who pay them a token of appreciation after a program.Few nurses are benefitting at the expense of others."Said one angry nurse who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Over the past 6 months, GNDH lost more than 10 nurses, two pharmacists, one doctor and one health promotion officer to other districts mainly Gokwe South.

The hospital has been described as a springboard, where people get experience then they leave. This is evidenced by the time that Doctors and nurses spend at the hospital.Nurses will automatically seek transfer once they have completed their post basic education,in most cases midwifery.

They also accuse the management of bias on housing allocation which seems to disadvantage nurses.

Contacted for  comment the matron Bertha Chitiyo said everything they do is transparent.

"Our system of selecting people for programs has merited everyone here,but there are some programs  which the community department ask for a specific nurse."Chitiyo said.

However, the community department did not give a satisfactory answer as to why they have chosen a bad path over a good one.

" We do not practice all what has been mentioned" Said one community in the same that was attended by matron.

GNDH is set to lose many nurses as the matron's office has been hit with an avalanche of transferring letters. The current District medical officer is set to resign early next month.The same applies to the Hospital administrator.The Human Resources  officer resigned three months ago.

 Unfortunately, they are not allowing nurses to transfer citing shortage of nurses at the hospital and the district at large.

Many clinics in the district are operating without registered general nurses. Primary care nurses are operating many clinics in the district.

Many people of good standing have attributed all these transfers to clansman and nepotism that do exist at the institute.

Since the coming into office of the new dispensation,they have said it again and again that corruption is killing our efforts to take our economy to the next level.

Source - Byo24News