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Being with the people all the time.

by Thomas Murisa
06 Mar 2024 at 18:11hrs | Views
When the Zanu-PF legislator for Mazowe North Constituency Hon. Cde Tsungi Makumbe heard that there was a confirmed cholera case at Chinehasha Health Centre in Chiweshe, he quickly mobilised medicines and other necessities for the Clinic.

Hon. Makumbe drove to the affected area last Friday at short notice,  bringing with him the much needed drugs to fight the disease before it could spread like veld-fire. Cholera is a highly contagious and deadly water-borne disease, any delay in interventions could lead to fatalities.

The MP toured the health facility, being shown around by a health worker Progress Dutiro in white uniform. The tour was an eye-opener for the MP, coming face to face with lack and inadequacy almost everywhere. The torn curtains, linen, rickety beds, mattresses and much more all need to be replaced.

Hon. Makumbe promised to source all that is needed for the health centre to run and function smoothly. He took the opportunity to meet the Zanu-PF Mupuyo District leadership.

Present were Cde  Evermore Kanengoni (Chairman), Cde Chiringa (PC) and Cde Shamu (Chairwoman) and others who came to meet their MP who assured them that noone would starve in the face of a looming drought.

Thomas Murisa. Chinehasha.

Source - Thomas Murisa