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My country Zim has bigger problems than Cecil the lion - Knight

by Stephen Jakes
30 Jul 2015 at 09:21hrs | Views

The Former Radio Two disc jockey Eric Knight has expressed disappointment over the attention given to the killed lion Cecil in Hwange saying the country has more serious and pressing issues than the lion.

"To be honest I am personally shock shelled by the attention that has been given to the death of a lion named Cecil which was killed at Hwange in my country Zimbabwe," he said.

"Yes I also love wildlife but come on,hundreds of lions,cheetahs,elephants get killed every day for different purposes. Its sad when nature is destroyed willy nilly but honestly my country have bigger issues to attend to right now. We have bigger fish to fry."

He said economic and political instability are some of them,my people are suffering from a mountain of problems and the international world is not interested.

"A lion is killed then its all over the world news including Skynews," he said.

"Please respect us. Since when have lions become of more significance than humans? God bless Zimbabwe! God bless Africa!"

Source - Byo24News
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