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Zanu PF youth's fed up with Mugabe's annual confirmations

by Thobekile Zhou
17 Dec 2016 at 09:09hrs | Views
ZANU PF Youth League has openly expressed its disgust on  annual affirmations of 92 year old President Robert Mugabe as the party presidential candidate.

The youth's said Mugabe is the life president of Zimbabwe and as such there should be no confirmations by Zanu PF.

"We strongly reaffirm the endorsement of our  iconic leader His Excellency President Robert Mugabe and sole centre of power in Zanu PF as the presidential candidate with unlimited terms  in office" said Youth league secretary Kudzai Chipanga amid thunderous applause from conference delegates in Masvingo.

Chipanga then went overdrive in displaying his undying admiration for Mugabe  comparing him to movie main actors.

Said Chipanga "Your excellency, the youth's are tired with declarations that the president is the candidate for this and that election.

"We grew up watching films  and what we know is that  a film does not end if the main actor is still alive.

"Here in Zimbabwe were are acting a movie and Your excellency you are the main actor.

"As long as you are still alive, you will remain president of Zimbabwe. You are not going anywhere".

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai once declared himself as the main actor in Zimbabwe's politics.

Mugabe is silent on his possible successor in the process tearing Zanu PF into two rival camps wrestling to take over power.

To escalate his boot licking antics to dizzy heights, Chipanga urged Registrar General Tobaiwa Mudede to immediately amend Mugabe's birth certificate and national identity card names to President Robert Gabrial Mugabe.

He also said  Mugabe's birthday, 21 February should be declared a national holiday.

Source - Byo24News