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WATCH: Angry mob bashes security guard for 'kidnapping' boss' 5 kids

by Methusi Ncube
18 Apr 2019 at 18:15hrs | Views
AN angry mob severely assaulted a security guard suspected of kidnapping five children in Bulawayo today.

Angry residents hauled the bloodied guard to Bulawayo Central Police Station but left in fear of arrest when it turned out the man was just transporting his boss's children in a company van.

The guard whose name could not be established was- according to police sources- taking the children to meet their parents.

He was parked near the market along 4th avenue when someone shouted that there were kidnapped children in the vehicle.

Vendors ganged up immediately and started banging on the car demanding the release of the "captives."

A witness told that the crowd shouted that children had been disappearing in the city and the security company could be a syndicate responsible for the disappearances.

"The driver got out of the vehicle to explain and the crowd descended on him with kicks and punches. If someone had not suggested that they should take him to the police, he could have been killed.

"Zimbabweans are a dangerously angry lot nowadays, probably due to a failed government and growing poverty. They are capable of killing if they get a chance to vent their emotions," said the witness.

The witness said scores of vendors boldly marched into the police station like they expected a civic award for bravery or something.

"The way they sneaked out quietly was worthy of any comedy reel. The father of the children came to clear up the issue and suddenly everyone realised they could be arrested for their vigilante actions on an innocent man. A 'quiet' stampede started for the door and the charge office was cleared within minutes," said the witness who preferred anonymity.

Source - Byo24news