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Embarrassing Zanu-PF Bulawayo election results nullified

by Methusi Ncube
19 May 2019 at 19:50hrs | Views
Cephas Ncube has been named Zanu-PF chairperson in a restructuring election where all other results were nullified because "the result threatened elders in the party."

The province held elections for all positions over the weekend, after the dissolution of structures meant to revive Zanu-PF and end a 19 year losing streak to the opposition MDC in Bulawayo.

Sources from within Zanu-PF told Sunday afternoon that former war veterans chairperson Jabulani Sibanda who was favourite to clinch the chairpersonship was disqualified under unclear circumstances.

The sources said youths whose ages range between 20 and 36 years made a clean sweep of the other posts that were voted for sending the party into panic mode.

"Raj Modi was upstaged by a 36-year-old candidate for the finance chairperson position and youths ran rampant beating older candidates in the other positions. Celebrations had already started when it was announced that elections had been stopped, all results expect those for the chairperson were being withheld. Later we were told the results had been nullified," said a party youth.

"We have always said the revival of Zanu-PF lay in the removal of the old guard and replacing them with young blood that has fresh ideas and the party has stopped the revolution even as it is starting. The process is inevitable and the time has come, youths shall not be denied."

Source - Byo24News