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Woman caught pants down with high school sweetheart

by Staff reporter
04 Dec 2020 at 01:24hrs | Views
FEELINGS are never wrong but the stories behind them often are.

A man from Gokwe was left heartbroken when he discovered that his wife was still connected to her former high school sweetheart who is alleged to have deflowered her when he allegedly caught them red-handed having sex in their matrimonial bedroom.

According to reports, Special Matsika from Mavhura Village's special world crashed when he walked in on his wife Sinikiwe Kasiya having sex with her ex-high school lover Green Zeve from Karigwe Village on their matrimonial bed.

Kasiya was reportedly moaning like she never does with him.

Shockingly, after being busted an unapologetic Kasiya is reported to have boasted about her infidelity saying it was hard to forget a man who took her virginity.

Circumstances are that on the day in question, Matsika and his wife went to his in-laws where there was a traditional beer-drinking gathering. It is reported that when it was getting dark Kasiya left her husband drinking beer and went back home.

Thinking that her husband who was drinking beer excessively was not going to come back home, Kasiya is alleged to have invited her ex-high school lover Zeve for a sleepover at her house.

At around midnight, the two lovebirds who were enjoying each other were, however, interrupted when Matsika appeared on the doorway of the bedroom hut.

"What happened is that when Matsika realised that his wife had left him at her parents' home without notifying him, at around midnight he became suspicious and decided to go home. His suspicions were confirmed when he found her and Zeve in bed," said the source from the area who preferred anonymity.

The source said a bloody fight ensued between Matsika and a half-naked Zeve but the latter was overpowered and ran away.

"Before Zeve ran away sounds of their struggle with Matsika attracted the attention of neighbours who came and found him on the receiving end of the fight. Fearing that neighbours would join the fight on the side of Matsika, he ran away leaving behind his umbrella and clothes," the source said.

Kasiya reportedly bolted out of the bedroom at the start of the melee, heading back to her parents' home. It is reported that, Matsika, on the following day followed his wife to her parents' home where he narrated what had happened.

When questioned by her parents, Kasiya who had initially lied to them later opened up on what had happened leading her husband to approach Chief Nemangwe's traditional court demanding five beasts from Zeve as punishment for bedding his wife.

Chief Nemangwe whose jurisdiction the two men's areas fall under, confirmed the incident. He said he ordered Zeve to pay three beasts to Matsika as damages for sleeping with his wife.

This was also after Zeve who had initially filed a complaint with the police had it dismissed after he and Kasiya gave conflicting statements.

Source - bmetro
More on: #Woman, #Pants, #Down, #Lover