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'Mnangagwa has fulfilled only 2% of 2018 pledges'

by Staff reporter
15 Jul 2021 at 04:38hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa's Zanu-PF government has fulfilled only 2% of its 2018 election promises, independent research body Sivio Institute has said.

Statistics released yesterday by Sivio Institute on the performance of government in 2021 show that out of the 237 pledges made in various sectors of governance, only five had been fulfilled.

Mnangagwa, according to the report, managed to fulfil four promises on various issues around the economy and only one on governance, politics and civil rights.

His government has, however, already started working on 27 of the promises, according to the report.

Government pledged to enhance foreign currency retention thresholds for exporting firms, promote an export-oriented strategy and ensure that the country's roads in both rural and urban areas are rehabilitated and maintained, projects which are all in progress.

"Zimbabwe's central bank, RBZ, on January 8, 2021, reversed a decision to force exporters, including mining companies, to sell a large portion of their United States dollar earnings if they were not used after 60 days," Sivio Institute said on projects which are underway.

"Zimbabwe's balance of payments position continues to strengthen, after surging 4,25% in 2020 compared to the same period last year on account of strong growth in exports."

Mnangagwa yesterday boasted of having made a "huge" progress in constitutional changes, where he has already signed 20 Bills into law since his ascension to power in November 2017 on the back of a military coup.

According to his party's parliamentary reform tracker, Mnangagwa's government has drafted 44 constitutional changes and 27 are already in Parliament.

"With action, not words, shall we rebuild Zimbabwe," Mnangagwa said on his Twitter handle.

"Since 2018, my government has made huge progress in implementing our promises.

"But there is no time for complacency, we must continue to reform our economy, our infrastructure, and our country for the benefit of all!

"The government also pledged to eradicate corruption in communities through promoting sound governance, inclusivity, transparency and accountability but none of the promises have so far been fulfilled."

Civic society organisations have expressed concern over continued financial losses to corruption every year, despite the existence of anti-corruption institutions.

Mnangagwa established a Special Anti-Corruption Unit in his office to fight graft and strengthen the effectiveness of national mechanisms to curb corruption, but critics say his anti-graft body is being used to fight his political foes.

He has also been accused of closing the country's democratic space and violating people's rights.

Source - newsday
More on: #Mnangagwa, #2018, #Pledge