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'Suspect everyone as Covid-19 risk person'

by Staff reporter
26 Jul 2021 at 01:38hrs | Views
TREAT everyone as a potential Covid-19 risk, avoid hugs and handshakes, trust nobody, a Covid-19 Delta variant survivor has said. After travelling to Mashonaland West province on a business trip on Saturday June 29, Mr John Muchenje felt very fine as he had also addressed a meeting.

Mr Muchenje, who is the national chairperson of the Apex Council for Youth in Agriculture in Zimbabwe and the agriculture ambassador for Deutsch Connect Southern Africa, later started feeling cold.

"On my way back I felt cold but I just said it was one of those normal colds and I ignored it. On Monday June 31, I had severe stomach pains, burning inside and I visited a doctor and received some injections and some pills but nothing changed," said Mr Muchenje.

He said he was tested for malaria, typhoid and other diseases and results came negative. Mr Muchenje said his temperature had also shot up. He was eventually tested for Covid-19 and his results came out positive.

"My stomach was burning, I was failing to breathe properly, feeling weak, vomiting and completely powerless. The doctors said I had the Delta Covid-19 virus which they said was completely different from the first wave," he said.

"I have an ulcerous problem and so at first we thought it was responsible for the excruciating pain in my stomach. The doctors said the new variant was prompting my normal usual disease yet it was killing me."

He said after the results were confirmed, he isolated at home.

"I had an option of getting admitted to the hospital but I was comfortable being attended to from home since I had a private doctor who was taking care of me. I thank God, we still have doctors who are still passionate about their work and concerned about people's health," said Mr Muchenje.

He said his doctor prescribed cacodemon, Vitamin C, prednisolone, calcium d and zinc.

"I was also taking traditional remedies such as Zumbani, snuff, I was steaming every time and a whole lot of traditional medicine which my mother was giving me. It was just a matter of taking what they were giving me since I had no control and they wanted me to heal. For three weeks or so, I was in pain but I thank God that I survived the dark and demonic cloud from the agents of hell," said Mr Muchenje.

He said he was now out of the woods though there are some after effects such as constipation, weakness in joints, breathing problems and loss of weight.

"I have tested Covid-19 negative and my doctor is saying I am okay but he told me to take the recovery path slowly. He said healing is a phase and it takes time," said Mr Muchenje. He said if he could turn back the hands of time and back to June 29, he would avoid unnecessary gatherings.

"Covid-19 is spread easily at gatherings, funerals, at the workplace, in public places. At gatherings it's easily spread when we do not practice social distancing and remove masks," said Mr Muchenje.

He urged members of the public not to feel ashamed when they test Covid-19-positive.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a global pandemic. Some get it by accident. Secondly, let's stick to the regulations laid down by the Government, wear effective face masks, sanitise, maintain social distancing, avoid unnecessary movements and gatherings. Everywhere it's now a hotspot. Suspect everyone as a Covid-19 risk person. Avoid hugging and handshakes. Trust nobody - sang this Sungura musician Mark Ngwazi. This virus is real and it kills," he said.

An accountant by profession and farmer by passion, Mr Muchenje said he was one of the people who did not believe that Covid-19 is real until it attacked him.

"It was a lesson learnt, but the hard way I guess. As a youth farmer I urge all youth to get vaccinated. President Mnangagwa and his leadership have shown leadership by getting vaccinated and it is therefore, prudent for us to take a leaf from our leaders and get vaccinated," he said.

Source - chronicle
More on: #Covid-19, #Suspect, #Risk