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Zanu-PF councilors block MDC MP's request to build school

by Staff reporter
03 Nov 2021 at 05:14hrs | Views
Zanu-PF councillors in Masvingo have blocked efforts by Masvingo Urban National Assembly MDC Alliance representative, Jacob Nyokanhete to build a school in the ancient city's Rujeko suburb using money from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

This is despite the fact that Nyokanhete delivered building material to council worth almost ZW$1,8 million towards the construction of a secondary school in the high-density suburb

Zanu-PF councillors, Against Chiteme (ward 8) and Sengerayi Manyanga (ward 10) came out guns blazing in a full council meeting on Monday as they strongly to Nyokanhete's efforts, arguing he had not followed due process and accused him of not being transparent with the CDF allocation.

"We want to know how that money was used. He did not follow due process and never consulted council. That school is a council project, his cement is still at the Stores office because he did not follow what was supposed to be done," Manyanga said.

Contacted for comment, Masvingo mayor Collen Maboke said that councilors were just demanding to be notified of any development not it from grape vine.

"Councilors logged a complaint with management that they should advise council each time when they receive any donation not for councilors to hear it in the corridors. Before the meeting we were not really sure what the MP donated but after we asked management in the meeting that is when we got the full explanation of what he had given to council," Maboke told

However, Nyokanhete has remained adamant saying council is now backtracking on a sealed deal and is now disadvantaging the beneficiaries of the project by playing politics with developmental projects.

"They gave me the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and I went bought the items. We bought the goods and delivered them in September. We have all delivery notes, now in November they want to return the items. They are not fighting Nyokanhete because CDF is not my money but they are fighting Rujeko residents because they are the beneficiaries," Nyokanhete said.

Currently the two rival parties Zanu-PF and MDC Alliance have three councilors apiece at the town house after Douglas Mwonzora recalled four other MDC Alliance councilors, a development that has left vocal ruling party councilors dominating council meetings.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Zanu-PF, #MDC, #School