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Mnangagwa jets off to SA for Trade Fair

by Staff reporter
15 Nov 2021 at 18:40hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa left Harare Monday for Durban in South Africa to attend the Inter Africa Trade Fair (IATF) in Durban, South Africa.

Early this month, Mnangagwa and an entourage of over 100 people hired a private jet from Azerbaijan to attend the COP26 climate change summit.

On Monday, he used an Air Zimbabwe plane to fly to Durban.

Mnangagwa's spokesperson George Charamba confirmed his boss was attending the trade fair and would return back to Harare Monday evening.

"His Excellency the President Emmerson Mnangagwa is in Durban, South Africa, where he is billed to attend an Africa Continental Free Trade Area Fare. He is expected back in the country later today," Charamba said.

"At the conference centre with host President (Cyril) Ramaphosa and former Nigerian President Obasanjo. The (IATF) is Africa's initial step towards challenging the colonial historical legacy where Africa's exports were oriented away from itself towards western metropoles.

"Zimbabwe is exhibiting at the fair with President Mnangagwa expected to visit the country site before flying back home. Zimtrade is hosting the Zimbabwe site. Zimbabwe is in a hot drive to push exports, principally on the African continent," Charamba said.

Mnangagwa is accompanied by several senior government officials, including Foreign Minister Fredrick Shava, Industry Minister Sekai Nzenza and her deputy Raji Modi.

Source - NewZimbabwe