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Zanu-PF dispels factionalism rumours

by Staff reporter
16 Nov 2021 at 05:40hrs | Views
Zanu-PF Politburo member Lieutenant-General Engelbert Rugeje (Retired) has rubbished claims of factionalism in the ruling party that are being peddled on social media.

Addressing journalists in Chinhoyi after receiving reports from internal election monitoring teams that conducted district elections in Hurungwe, Kariba and some parts of Makonde, Kadoma and Mhondoro districts over the weekend, Lt-Gen Rugeje said: "The reports that I received from the teams that conducted the elections showed that the party is intact and there are no claims of factionalism and infighting.

"Our members continue to exercise their democratic rights including voting for their preferred candidates."

He said the commissariat department was deploying Politburo members in all the provinces to find out how the party's restructuring exercise was going on. The party has finished restructuring lower organs with internal polls to elect provincial members now impending.

At least four candidates have registered their interest for the top provincial office where acting chairperson, Abia Mujeri is set to contest against Deputy Information Minister, Kindness Paradza, and Vengai Musengi, the party's provincial youth league chairperson.

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Mary Mliswa-Chikoka is the only female contender for the post.

The politburo members have also received reports on the challenges that were faced during the restructuring exercise.

The major challenges faced by deployed teams included bad roads that hindered movement to remote areas.

The party is working on retaining all the seats in the forthcoming by-elections scheduled for next year with the party's provincial secretary for security, Tommy Mwanza warning party members against abusing social media.

Source - The Herald