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Mutsvangwa information dynasty as Mnangagwa reorganises politburo

by Staff reporter
02 Dec 2021 at 05:36hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday appointed new secretaries in his Zanu-PF party's politburo, while reassigning others.

The mini-reshuffle will see former diplomat Christopher Mutsvangwa assume the role of information secretary following Simon Khaya Moyo's death last month, while ex-minister Mike Bimha becomes the party's national political commissar after Victor Matemadanda was appointed to the diplomatic service.

Mnangagwa named his wife, Auxillia, as the new secretary for environment and tourism, a role previously held by Zanu-PF senator Prisca Mupfumira who is currently facing a corruption trial.

Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi is taking over Mutsvangwa's old portfolio as secretary for science and technology and businessman Kenneth Musanhi will be secretary for production and labour.

Foreign minister Fredrick Shava has been appointed to the politburo. Judith Ncube also joins as a representative of Bulawayo while Omega Hungwe and Oliver Chidawu are also drafted in as Harare representatives.

The biggest winners will be Mutsvangwa and his wife, information minister Monica Mutsvangwa, who landed the position of deputy secretary for transport and social welfare.

The Mutsvangwas now control the flow of information in both the ruling party and the government – handing them effective control of the state propaganda machinery which could come to the fore as Mnangagwa works to torpedo a reported plot to remove him as party leader. The push is allegedly being spearheaded by vice president Constantino Chiwenga, 65, who publicly denies ambitions to succeed his 79-year-old boss.

Source - zimlive