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SB Moyo was never a coward, says Mnangagwa

by Staff reporter
05 Dec 2021 at 01:12hrs | Views
THE success the country is making in the re-engagement drive with the international community is as a result of the foundation laid by sacrifices and dedication to service that was exhibited by the late National Hero, Lieutenant-General (Retired) Dr Sibusiso Moyo, President Mnangagwa has said.

Dr Moyo succumbed to Covid-19 related complications in January this year. At the time of his death, Dr Moyo was the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

He was the first to hold the portfolio at the advent of the Second Republic.

President Mnangagwa made the sentiments during a memorial service for the late National Hero that was held at the Moyo homestead in Chief Negove area in Mberengwa District, Midlands province yesterday.

The President described Dr Moyo as a hard worker who always wanted to reposition Zimbabwe on the international map through the re-engagement drive.

"Following the advent of the Second Republic, I was pleased to appoint him as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

His task was to advance the national interest, economic diplomacy and the Pan African agenda, guided by our Engagement and Re-Engagement Policy as well as Zimbabwe is Open for Business mantra.

Following my change of nomenclature of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by incorporating the International Trade element, 'SB' swiftly weaved through the intricate diplomatic field with the dexterity of a true soldier.

This was in spite of continuing illegal economic sanctions on our country," said President Mnangagwa.

He said the late National Hero was instrumental in shifting the country's foreign policy paradigm to one that gives pre-eminence to partnerships and investments as Zimbabwe advanced the quest to being a friend to all and an enemy to none.

"Within the ministry, the late Minister S B Moyo astutely tackled the lukewarm acceptance by some to the broadened ministry mandate, and the strategic shift to a result-oriented and an investment-promotion focused, diplomatic corps.

He, thus, ensured the deployment of competent and adaptive officers with a sound appreciation of investment and international market knowledge.

Furthermore, it was during the tenure of the late National Hero, S B Moyo that we witnessed the robust engagement of the Zimbabwean Diaspora.

The many sons and daughters of Zimbabweans abroad begun to be more positive and actively involved in the national development discourse of our beloved motherland," said the President.

President Mnangagwa called on Zimbabweans in the diaspora to work harder in engaging with the country's leadership, in honour of the late National Hero.

"Wherever you are and whatever challenges you may face, you will always be welcome back. Zimbabwe is your home.

Going forward Zimbabwean Embassies must continue to play proactive facilitation role for potential investors and markets from across the world as we consolidate our Export Strategy, navigate into the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, as well as implement the Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreements and other Protocols," said President Mnangagwa.

In Dr Moyo, the President said the country lost a hard working individual who had a big heart and a friend to many, always prepared to go the extra mile.

He said Dr Moyo exhibited a dedicated spirit always, be it during operations or undertaking administrative and political duties.

"He had an enviable sense of dedication to his country, work and colleagues. When times got tough, the late General SB Moyo, would be one of those standing at the end.

He was never a coward, and never backed out of difficult tasks, even if the risks had far reaching consequences.

"In November 2017, he was a key player in the peaceful transition from the First Republic to the Second Republic, and indeed became the face of what was dubbed 'Operation Restore Legacy'.

During that defining historic period in our country, together with his colleagues in the Defence Forces, the late SB Moyo demonstrated his respect and commitment to constitutionalism, democracy and the rule of law," he said.

He said the Operation Restore Legacy ensured that Zimbabwe remained under a civilian, democratic and Constitutional order.

"This is what the Retired Lieutenant-General Cde, Dr Sibusiso Busi Moyo and his contemporaries fought for and worked hard to entrench in our independent, sovereign and great Nation of Zimbabwe.

In him we remember a true patriot, colleague and son of the soil emerging from this part of our beautiful country, Mberengwa District.

"I exhort our young people to take a leaf from the sacrifices made by the likes of SB Moyo and others like him to liberate this country.

I call upon the youth to love and hold in high regard their country, communities and families. Never be lead astray by the virtual and non-existed world created on social media," said President Mnangagwa.

The President further noted that Dr Moyo distinguished himself in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces through his unflinching conviction and distribution, always exhibiting an appetite to broaden his own knowledge and equally understood the importance of deployment of relevant and appropriate knowledge for national development.

"The man we celebrate and remember today spearheaded the transformation of the National Defence University as the president of the board, and was later appointed the Chairman of the Zimbabwe National Defence University Council.

The late SB held strong views on the importance of peaceful Africa and the need to Silence the Guns on the Continent.

He was thus a reliable and conscientious member of the Defence Forces who was always available to deployment with regards to peacekeeping and peace-building," said President Mnangagwa.

The President further commended the late Dr Moyo for his exceptional accomplishments while executing special assignments.

"In the agricultural sector, he was one of the key members during the formative implementation stages of the Command Agriculture Programme.

At a time when our nation experienced a severe drought, he chaired the External Grain Importation Task Force from 2016 to 2017, a task he executed with timely precision, to mitigate the impact of previous droughts, while concurrently ensuring food sufficiency and a bumper harvest," said the President.

Dr Moyo was declared a National Hero and was buried at the National Heroes Acre in Harare.

He was among a group of about 400 pupils from Manama High School in Gwanda District, Matabeleland South, recruited by Zipra guerillas in 1977 to join the liberation struggle, who refused to board one of the buses sent by the Rhodesian government to ferry them back from Botswana.

Dr Moyo read the 15 November 2017 speech that heralded the new political dispensation in Zimbabwe. He left behind his wife Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo and two children.

Other dignitaries who attended the memorial included Vice President Dr Constantino Chiwenga, Kembo Mohadi who is also Zanu-PF Vice President, Minister of Defence and War Veterans Affairs, Oppah Muchinguri-Kachiri, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube, Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Hon Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu, Minister of Local Government and Public Works, July Moyo, Minister of State Security, Owen Ncube, among other senior Government officials.

Source - The Sunday Mail