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Mnangagwa reiterates warning against political chicanery

by Staff reporter
17 Jan 2022 at 06:30hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa on Saturday urged party leaders and supporters to uphold party values and reiterated his warning against use of coercion and chicanery as tools to attain political power.

Addressing members at the 359th Session of the Politburo, he indicated that the party is supreme and individuals sowing divisions will never be tolerated.

He also reminded people that no one can claim ownership of the party except the people.

"Acts of violence and political chicanery, sowing divisions will never be tolerated. The party remains supreme and we are a party that has a revolutionary legacy and let no one at any stage of our development seek to undermine or destroy this history.

"Zanu-PF is a colossal party on the basis of its principles, values and norms. It is the people's party and no one can claim ownership and sense of entitlement of the party," he said.

The reminder comes after the dismissal from Government of former National Security Minister, Owen Ncube last Monday for "conduct that was deemed inappropriate for a Minister of Government".

Cde Ncube was fingered in the recent disturbances that rocked Zanu-PF Midlands structures.

Zanu-PF held successful provincial elections on December 28 with elected leaders advised to work for the people and implement the party's development agenda.

President Mnangagwa also mandated the party's political commissar to come up with strategies that ensure a resounding victory in the forthcoming elections.

In the first Politburo meeting of 2022 held two weeks ago, the President said the revolutionary party would decisively deal with rogue elements causing disharmony within its structures.

"Irregularities and political chicanery across party structures must be decisively dealt with and expunged from the party,'' he warned then.

A violence-free environment has enabled Zimbabwe in the Second Republic to embark on major economic projects in the mining, energy, infrastructure and telecommunications sectors, among others.

On Thursday, the revolutionary party will hold primary elections to choose candidates representing the people in the forthcoming by-elections scheduled for March 26.

The by-elections were necessitated by parliamentary and council recalls within the opposition MDC-Alliance and some due to deaths of the representatives.

The President called on party members to ensure they had an increased political consciousness at all levels and emphasised that victory in the forthcoming by-elections will be a launchpad to winning the 2023 general harmonised elections.

"As leaders of the Politburo and Central Committee level, we must provide leadership by addressing lower structures, ensuring unity and that everyone is pulling in one direction which is aimed at accelerating the achievement of Vision 2030," the President added.

Source - The Herald
More on: #Mnangagwa, #Mdc, #Zanu-pf