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Zanu-PF members told to mobilise voters to register

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2022 at 06:47hrs | Views
Zanu-PF supporters who are yet to register as voters have been urged to take advantage of the ongoing mobile voter registration drive.

Speaking in Mhangura yesterday, the ruling party's Makonde District Coordinating Committee (DCC) chairperson, Kindness Paradza, exhorted members to register to enable the party to successfully mobilise five million votes for next year's general election.

Mhangura falls under Makonde District.

In 2018, Zanu-PF garnered over 24 000 votes for President Mnangagwa in the constituency.

"Let us take advantage of the first voter registration blitz to encourage our members to register to vote.

"All our cell members that are not appearing on the voters roll should register to vote now.

"ZEC (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) is also going to have a second phase in April to mop up the remaining unregistered voters," he said. Paradza, who is also Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Deputy Minister, said Government was going to speed up the issuance of identification cards to ensure that they can register as voters.

"The Government has also started issuing identification cards which had been halted due to various reasons.

"Take advantage of the Registrar-General's Offices in Mhangura and Chinhoyi to have your IDs."

He challenged members to publicise Government's successes in guaranteeing food security through the Pfumvudza programme, including the ongoing infrastructure development programme.

"Various projects have been introduced by the Second Republic and this is the reason why people should give Zanu-PF another term."

Zanu-PF Politburo member Douglas Mombeshora called on the inclusion of war veterans in party programmes.

"Zimbabwe is independent and free because of the war veterans.

"We should give them respect and honour," he said.

Source - The Sunday Mail