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Man tied, dragged from back of car

by Staff reporter
25 Feb 2022 at 02:37hrs | Views
IN a horrible act of cruelty, a Bulawayo man is lucky to be alive after a man who accused him of cloning his debit card and stealing his money hired two bouncers who allegedly used a rope and tied him to the back of his car before dragging him mercilessly for some distance.

The disturbing incident happened on Friday last week and the victim Joel Mudyanevana (30) from Nkulumane suburb sustained "potentially life-threatening injuries" from the gruesome act.

His body was bruised, and his skin peeled off as it scraped against the tarred road.  

A friend who asked not to be identified for security reasons said Mudyanevana could barely move a week after the cruel act.

He labelled the act as "horrific, disturbing and unacceptable".

The attackers (names supplied) have not yet been arrested and they reportedly went into hiding soon after the horrendous incident.

"On the day in question and at around 7pm, they called him to their car which was parked outside a bar situated at corner George Silundika and 11th Avenue where he was drinking beer.

"Without suspecting anything he quickly jumped into the car and while inside that is when the guy who had hired bouncers started accusing him of being the one who cloned his card and stole his money amounting to $27 000.

"He suspected him of being the one because he used to give him his card to look for US dollars from his friends. Joel refuted the allegations and that didn't go down well with the guy who quickly drove to the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road.

When they had just passed Amakhosi Service Station the guy ordered the two bouncers to tie both his hands with a rope to the back of his car and dragged him along the road," the friend said.

He said Mudyanevana who was not able to keep up with the speed of the vehicle, fell to the ground and was dragged leaving a trail of blood on the road.

"When the car picked up speed, Joel (Mudyanevana) struggled to keep up and he fell before being dragged along the road.

They dragged him for about 50 metres and fortunately the rope was cut off and Joel exploited the opportunity when he staggered and hid in a nearby bush.

They tried to go after him but they failed to locate him.

"Seeing that his attackers had gone that is when he came to the main road where he was later assisted by a Good Samaritan who took him to the police where an ambulance was later called and ferried him to hospital," said the friend.

 "No human being should be treated in that manner.

Police should investigate the matter and arrest the attackers."

Mudyanevana reportedly lost his identification particulars and wallet containing US$40.

The matter was reported at Bulawayo Central Police Station under case Number IR 1115 /22 and investigations are reportedly under way.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Car, #Drag, #Brutal