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Binga to benefit from US$100,000 irrigation project

by Staff reporter
24 Mar 2022 at 05:24hrs | Views
COMMUNITIES in Binga are set to benefit from a US$100 000 irrigation project funded by the Campfire Association of Zimbabwe (Caz) in partnership with the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA).

The project is set to benefit an estimated 700 smallholder farmers in Kariyangwe under chiefs Siansali, Tyaba under chiefs Simupa and Nabusenga.

Addressing stakeholders and farmers during a field day at Lungwalala irrigation scheme in Kariyangwe on Tuesday, Binga district Agritex officer Pedias Ndlovu said the project would economically empower disadvantage communities.

"We want to thank Caz in partnership with KAZA TFCA for the assistance they are rendering to Binga communities. The three irrigation schemes will contribute towards poverty alleviation and add nutritional value to the community," Ndlovu said.

Caz project officer Kelvin Mfishini said: "We are coming in as Caz under the banner of the project which we are implementing (KAZA package 1) under the COVID-19 mitigation support.

"The grain (from the irrigation scheme) is going to be delivered to the Grain Marketing Board where farmers will get income. So we are looking at financial, food and nutritional security under this project."

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe