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Sikhosana Buhlungu mourns death of parent

by Staff reporter
25 Mar 2022 at 02:42hrs | Views
It's not easy to lose a parent in life!

Whether you are young or old, it always feels like there is a pierce on your heart especially when that one parent, who was the only one left as a pillar of your strength, decides to join the ancestors in the other world.

Nkayi-born and bred folklore musician Sikhosana Buhlungu is in grief.

He lost his father Johnson Sikhosana on 18 March and the goofy timer was laid to rest on 21 March.

He was 90 years old.

When Sikhosana became an internet sensation courtesy of his smash hit Dlala Ntethe last year, B-Metro made a trip to visit Sikhosana in Nkayi, Matabeleland North and the crew was warmly welcomed by the late Johnson Sikhosana.

Just like every father, it was his wish to see his only son accomplish material things through his music and at least have a decent living.

The gods smiled upon Sikhosana, his father's prayer was heard by the heavens above and his Masombuka ancestors smiled upon Sikhosana and they directed good Samaritans into his life.

Within six months, Sikhosana was blessed with a new homestead built through the efforts of well-wishers, and some even donated cattle to the musician, something that amazed his late father.

Johnson Sikhosana died a happy man.

His prayers to see his son having a beautiful homestead, way better than his two tiny round huts which were on site at his Gwamba Village, were answered.

"I hear his songs a lot on my stereo (radio) but we have not seen development here especially at his homestead as he is living in poverty. May those who can assist please help this young man to achieve his dreams.

"For now, we are only asking that his homestead be developed because he is now a huge man in Nkayi. Even if he dies, he will still be remembered and no one knows, his house might be a tourism attraction or a museum.

"I will die in peace if I see my son building a beautiful homestead that suits his respect here in Nkayi" said Sikhosana's father in an interview with this reporter in August 2021.

On the demise of his father, from his base in Nkayi Sikhosana Buhlungu said he lost a close friend who will never be replaced in his life.

"My father and I were like twins.

He was so close to me and he knew everything about my life.

My other part has departed and no one will be able to cover this void.

"He died a happy man. He wished to see my success on earth and I am happy he died living in my new homestead which he blessed.

May his soul rest in peace," said Sikhosana.

The award-winning musician said he owes his musical talent to genes that he inherited from his late father.

"This thing of doing music did not start with me in my family.

I inherited it from my late father.

While I was young, he played the guitar so well such that he also became famous here in Nkayi.

"Later on, he bought himself a records radio set and he shifted his focus to becoming a DJ, at that point he hosted amagigi (gigs) in our area.

Unfortunately, he didn't become famous like me as I have the advantage of this ‘internet'", said Sikhosana.

Even though his father didn't like the idea of Sikhosana becoming a musician, he later admitted as he realised his dreams would be bestowed upon his son.

"UMasombuka wayengafuni (my dad didn't want me to be a musician) but he saw my progress and gave me a green light.

If it was not for the blessings from him, I wouldn't have achieved all this in my life," said Sikhosana.

Source - B-Metro