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Injured Zimbabwean civil servants fail to pay medical bills

by Staff reporter
18 May 2022 at 06:22hrs | Views
ACCIDENT victims injured in an accident that happened in Kariba on Independence Day are failing to pay medicals bills prompting some residents to cry foul.

Two Kariba residents Maxton Kanhema and Samson Coffee have since approached Mashonaland West minister of State Mary Mliswa-Chikoka for assistance for the victims, who happen to be civil servants.

In a letter to the minister seen by NewsDay, Kanhema and Coffee said:  "We are writing to you with heavy hearts and troubled souls. Some members of our Kariba community were involved in an accident while on national duty on Independence Day and some were unfortunate to lose their lives. Our main worry is the neglect the injured survivors are being subjected to."

They said the victims were failing to pay hospital bills.

"Hon minister, it cannot be business as usual in your province when some of our compatriots are being neglected and with little to no help. Independence Day and other national events will definitely lose relevance if this is the official attitude by our leadership."

The petition asked Mliswa-Chikoka to assist with funds for the victims' hospital bills. Some of them lost limbs.

Efforts to get a comment from Mliswa-Chikoka were fruitless. She also did not respond to text messages from NewsDay.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe