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Thousands bid farewell to Major-General Bhebe

by Staff reporter
21 Jun 2022 at 06:37hrs | Views
THOUSANDS of people yesterday thronged the National Heroes Acre to bid farewell to national hero Major-General (Rtd) Sydney Vulindlela Bhebe, who died last Tuesday at a hospital in Harare.

Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe was described as a distinguished war veteran, loyal and dedicated cadre who served his country diligently.

Relatives and colleagues described him as an unwavering cadre who dedicated his entire life to emancipating the country from the yoke of colonial bondage.

Some banners at the national burial shrine were inscribed: "Distinguished war veteran", "A loyal honest, and dedicated cadre".

Some youths and women chanted revolutionary songs from the start of the burial proceedings to the end, as they paid their last respects to one of their liberators who sacrificed his life in service of his country.

One of his close friends, Colonel Temizulu Ncube, said the late national hero was a dedicated cadre who served his country well.

He said Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe has left a huge void that will be hard to fill.

"I know him very well. He joined the liberation struggle at a very young age.  He trained in Angola. He was also a casualty at the bombardment of Boma training Camp in Angola. Several of our cadres died during that time. The late Maj-Gen Bhebe was also injured in that operation," said Col Ncube.

Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe also trained cadres during that period.

"He was also an instructor who played a very important role because they processed the human resources, so he contributed immensely," said Col Ncube.

He added that Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe was down to earth, but very intelligent, humble and also a diplomat.

"A lot of young people looked up to him as a role model. He died too soon. He was a very responsible family man who looked after his children,'' said Col Ncube.

His close friend, Rtd Lt Col Buthos Hadebe, said the late national hero was an astute person who loved his country.

"We got into the Zimbabwe National Army together at integration. We were coming from Gwayi Assembly point in Matabeleland North while he came straight from Angola. We met at ZNA for a standardisation course which was meant to integrate officers from different liberation movements to form the ZNA.

"We worked together at Inkomo Barracks, Nyazura and Army Headquarters," he said.

Rtd Lt Col Hadebe said the national hero was such a simple man, soft-spoken but very consistent and a real military man.

"We worked together very well and administratively he was excellent."

Rtd Lt Col Hadebe said the late national hero's wedding was organised by the late national hero, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Dr Sibusiso Moyo.

Family representative, Ms Moreblessing Bhebe, who is the second daughter of the late national hero, described her father as a friend and protector of the family.

"My father was a man of peace and love. He was an amazing grandfather," said Ms Bhebe.

Zanu-PF Secretary for War Veterans Douglas Mahiya said those who are buried at the national shrine are associated with loyalty, patriotism and commitment to duty.

"For the late national hero Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe to be recognised, the party leadership knew how committed he was during his lifetime. That's where the word (Gamba) hero started from. It's for those who committed their lives, who were seen in Mozambique and Zambia to sacrifice their lives to liberate this country, hence Bhebe is one of them," said Mahiya.

Zanu-PF deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs John Paradza said youths should emulate the good works of the late national hero who dedicated his entire life to serving the country.

‘'We are here at the national shrine to bid farewell to the late national hero Maj-Gen (Rtd) Bhebe, who sacrificed his life serving the country. He joined the liberation struggle at a tender age hence I call upon the youth to be patriotic to safeguard the country's sovereignty just as he did,'' said Paradza.

He urged youths across the country to shun violence of any nature despite one's political affiliation.

"Youths should not be used by politicians to engage in violence as a way of scoring cheap political points. As Zanu-PF we condemn violence at all levels. We want peace to prevail across the country," Paradza said.

The burial was attended by Politburo members, Cabinet ministers, service chiefs, senior Government officials, parliamentarians, and church representatives among others.

Source - The Herald
More on: #Bhebhe, #Burial, #Hero