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Zanu-PF nullifies Youth League reshuffle

by Staff reporter
24 Jun 2022 at 02:44hrs | Views
MASHONALAND West provincial affairs minister, Mary Mliswa-Chikoka's wings have been clipped after the party nullified recent illegal co-options of her loyalists into the youth league provincial executive.

The minister, who doubles as Zanu-PF Mashonaland West chairperson, is also accused of illegally dissolving district structures and imposing cronies to consolidate her power.

The party's decision to nullify the reshuffle is contained in a letter from youth league national chairman, John Paradza, addressed to Zanu-PF Mashonaland West youth league boss Tapiwa Masenda, and copied to Mliswa-Chikoka, and other top party officials.

"Kindly take note that all party restructuring exercises are a prerogative of the office of the secretary of commissariat. Furthermore, in case where there are circumstances prompting a restructuring, proper procedures as per party's constitutional dictates must be followed," wrote Paradza.

Following the recently held 7th National Youth Conference that ushered in a new leadership, some provincial and district posts fell vacant after some cadres were elevated.

The youth league, Paradza said, is now seeking guidance from national political commissar Mike Bimha on how to fill the gaps.

Added Paradza: "In view of the aforementioned, please be informed that the reshuffling exercise that was done without the blessings of senior party leadership is null and void.

"I urge all those who took part in this unconstitutional exercise to desist from such retrogressive machinations and adhere to the party's constitution when conducting party business."

A fortnight ago, Zanu-PF provincial youth league's executive was reshuffled at Mliswa-Chikoka's behest.

Timothy Masviba was imposed as vice chairman, replacing Kudzai Mudekunye, while Mutsa Ziyambi, son to Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, was nominated for secretary post, taking over from Rudo Munyonga.

Thomas Chidzomba and one Karonga replaced Irvine Matanga and Ertybty Mubaiwa as treasurer and commissar, respectively.

Underfire Mliswa-Chikoka is also in the eye of a storm after she unilaterally dissolved four Chegutu districts' executives, heightening infighting for positions in the lower rungs of the party.

The four districts affected are Dzikamidzi, Umvovo, Kaguvi 1 and Kaguvi 2.

The minister and her allies stand accused of having misplaced priorities and "fomenting chaos and disharmony among party structures."

Mliswa-Chikoka could not be reached for comment but her assistant, assistant Tendai Mautsi, played down the disunity in Zanu-PF ranks.

"We are focused on unity, peace and development, those are our anchors as the revolutionary party. Our focus is mobilising for the 2023 harmonised elections. Chegutu, people have raised complaints that we are looking into under the confines of the constitution. Nobody owns anybody in the party, we are all loyal to the party and this is what binds us together as we work towards 2023. We are one big Zanu-PF party, and everyone is happy to join," said Mautsi.

"The province through its organs, the youths and women's league, is focused on the five million votes goal. Internal and robust discussions are meant to strengthen and put the party on the strategic goal of winning 2023 (elections) and this is what we are seized with, that's the bigger picture."

Source - NewZimbabwe