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Mnangagwa told me Mary Mliswa is 'Chief of Mash West' - Minister Ziyambi reveals

by Staff reporter
06 Jul 2022 at 18:33hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is confident Zanu-PF Mashonaland West chairperson Mary Mliswa-Chikoka's leadership skills will steer the ruling party to a resounding victory in the 2023 harmonised elections.

The trust the presidium has in the youthful chair, who recently made history becoming the first ever female to lead a province, earned her the title "Chief of Mashonaland West" from Mnangagwa.

Zanu-PF Politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi who was addressing a provincial coordinating committee (PCC) meeting at Mazvikadei Resort at the weekend, admitted he was initially strongly opposed to Mliswa-Chikoka taking charge of party affairs in the province.

Mnangagwa, he explained, was the one who chastised him to accept and cooperate with the party chairperson, who doubles as Provincial Affairs minister.

"I didn't want her (Chikoka-Mliswa), but the President said ‘the Chief of Mash West is Mary, go and work with her'."

Lately, there have been machinations to push a vote of no confidence motion against her executive, amid allegations of unilateral dissolution of district executives and imposition of her cronies.

Ziyambi called on unity among party members who must mobilise new cadres in order to surpass Zanu-PF's current estimated 532 000 registered voters in the province.

Source - NewZimbabwe