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Zanu-PF offers US$ allowances to village heads

by Staff reporter
07 Jul 2022 at 03:00hrs | Views
VILLAGE heads from all parts of the country are, with immediate effect, expected to receive US$ allowances while Government will also increase their monthly salaries in local currency.

Zanu-PF Second Secretary Kembo Mohadi revealed this yesterday in Tsholotsho where he met different stakeholders as part of his national tour of party structures.

He told village heads, headmen and chiefs, who were part of the gathering, that with effect from this month, village heads will receive US$50 in allowances while modalities are underway to also effect an increase to their salaries, with indications that the figures will be doubled.

There are 36 000 village heads in Zimbabwe, some of whom have, however, not been receiving any salary.

The revolutionary party's Second Secretary, advised all non-salaried village heads to forward their names to District Development Coordinators who will in turn send the names to the Ministers of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution who shall facilitate their registration to start receiving payments and benefit from the forex allowance.

"As village heads, you are working hard yet what you're getting is not reflective of the amount of work done.

The Ministry of Local Government officials are here and for those of you not yet registered, you must go to the DDC and be registered as soon as possible," said Mohadi.

"We noted that the money you are getting is no longer of much value so it has been decided that it be increased, most likely doubled. Over and above that, you shall get US$50 per month effective this month."

Also in attendance was Tsholotsho Senator, Alice Dube, Tsholotsho South and North House of Assembly representatives, Musa Ncube and Retired Brigadier General Sibangumuzi Khumalo, respectively.

Some of the village heads who spoke to Chronicle following the announcement said the news came as a huge relief to them and appealed to the Government to put measures in place that the money comes consistently every month.

"Our salary was not coming monthly.

We would go for two or three months without anything and that money gets eroded in value but now that ubaba has announced the good news of a forex allowance our lives will surely change for the better," said Bhalala 1 Malanda village head, Mr Ntetshana Ndebele.

Another village head, Ms Sibongile Tshalibe of Dinyane East in Ward 15, said she was delighted with the new announcement.

"Since 2015 I have been trying to register with authorities to no avail but now there is a clear light, we will be registered and I am so happy," she said.

Meanwhile, Mohadi implored the party's leadership structures to respect and honour traditional leaders as they are custodians of cultural values and norms.

He introduced the party's Tsholotsho District Coordinating Committee to traditional leaders saying political leaders must never view a traditional leader as their subordinate or subject.

"Always know that we don't own people, but traditional leaders do.

We are the subjects of our traditional leaders, let's do what doesn't infuriate them," said Mohadi.

"It has previously been the norm that once people get into positions of leadership they tend to forget our traditional leaders, let us not do that."

He also appealed to the traditional leaders to allow the party leadership in the district to do their party duties as they work towards canvassing for five million votes for Zanu-PF at next year's harmonised elections.

Source - The Chronicle