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Chiwengwa says Mnangagwa will be Zanu-PF's candidate for the 2023 elections

by Staff reporter
23 Jul 2022 at 07:28hrs | Views
VICE PRESIDENT Constantino Chiwenga has reiterated that President Mnangagwa will be Zanu-PF's candidate for the 2023 harmonised elections.

Speaking during a Zanu-PF rally at Nhedziwa High School in Chimanimani yesterday, VP Chiwenga said the party has a tried and tested revolutionary leader in President Mnangagwa.

"As we move towards next year's harmonised elections, let it be known by everyone that our Presidential candidate is President Mnangagwa.

"He is a revolutionary and visionary leader. We should all rally behind him and ensure victory for the ruling party.

"We should all join hands and work for the development of the country. No foreigner will come here and lead the development crusade. We should all embrace President Mnangagwa's mantra that nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. Brick by brick; stone by stone, we should build our country," he said.

VP Chiwenga's comments put to rest speculations that there is a rift between him and President Mnangagwa.

Last year, Vice President Chiwenga also endorsed President Mnangagwa's candidature during the official launch of the 2021 Pfumvudza/Intwasa at Nenyunka Primary School in Gokwe-Kabuyuni Constituency, in Gokwe North.

During that meeting, VP Chiwenga said, "At the just-ended National People's Conference in Bindura, the ruling party resoundingly endorsed President Mnangagwa as the sole candidate for the 2023 harmonised elections. No other thought or candidate will be entertained as that is the party position. Everyone, everywhere is aware that President Mnangagwa is the sole presidential candidate for 2023. He is the only one we all stand with. So don't dream of other things."

Recently, political greenhorns, Godfrey Tsenengamu and Jimu Kunaka addressed separate Press conferences where they denigrated Zanu-PF and threatened to unseat President Mnangagwa.

Both Kunaka and Tsenengamu were expelled from Zanu-PF for indiscipline.

Source - The Chronicle