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Chamisa intensifies efforts to charm rural electorate in Masvingo

by Staff reporter
27 Jul 2022 at 06:43hrs | Views
THE Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is reportedly making efforts to sneak into Zanu-PF's strongholds in Masvingo where the opposition party is intensifying its voter mobilisation strategy known as Mugwazo.

In the 2018 elections, the then Nelson Chamisa-led MDC Alliance performed dismally against Zanu-PF after they managed to win only one constituency and Zanu-PF claiming the remaining 25 constituencies.

However, Chamisa, who now leads CCC, has called for more focus on rural constituencies.

The CCC leadership in Masvingo has promised to defy the odds and charm voters across the province's seven districts.

Although it is a huge task for the party which, on numerous occasions, has faced challenges from traditional leaders, CCC is still visiting rural constituencies.

Over the past weekend, some of the party's provincial leaders were in Gutu District interacting with rural communities.

CCC Masvingo interim spokesperson Dereck Charamba told this publication that they are confident of turning the tables in the next general election.

"We are now staying in the rural areas. We are part and parcel of rural communities. People want us and nothing can stop us from winning in the next elections," said Charamba.

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF is also eyeing a clean sweep of the whole province, including Masvingo urban constituency, which was won by MDC Alliance in 2018.

All constituencies in Bikita, Chiredzi, Gutu, Zaka, Chivi and Mwenezi districts were won by Zanu-PF.

Zanu-PF Masvingo chairperson, Robson Mavhenyengwa is, however, on record saying they will win all 26 constituencies and that the electorate will vote President Emmerson Mnangagwa into office in 2023.

Zanu provincial spokesperson, Ophius Murambiwa could not be drawn to comment as his mobile was unavailable until the time of going to press.

The opposition has struggled to win in previous elections for rural wards and constituencies.

CCC has also been performing dismally in rural by-elections held this year, but continue to blame use of repressive state apparatus, vote buying and intimidation by the regime.

Source - NewZimbabwe