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Mwonzora vows to 'rise again'

by Staff reporter
12 Aug 2022 at 01:43hrs | Views
MDC-T president, Douglas Mwonzora, whose party lost dismally in the recent by-elections, has vowed to reclaim the party's lost ground in future elections.

This is despite the fact that senior officials in his party have defected to other political parties following the embarrassing defeat.

Posting on his Twitter page Thursday, Mwonzora said people should not read much into his party's March by-election performance, claiming that the environment has since changed.

"You think that what was there on 26th of March is the same on the 11th of September 22? Things have changed, society has changed and things are moving," he said.

"So we should not remain in the past. We have failed before and we have risen. In the MDC we have the history of doing that (rising and falling)."

Mwonzora said there is nothing peculiar about the party‘s performance in the previous elections, saying the "world is full of successful people who have failed."

"Of course we do not do well, but we are not perturbed by that," he said.

"Like Nelson Mandela said, a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying. We are not worried that we have failed because the world is full of successful people who failed.

"If you go to Abraham Lincolin, Robert Mugabe, Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Mandela, all these leaders have at one point failed in their lives.

"Mnangagwa was beaten by Blessing Chebudo in Kwekwe in a Parliamentary election and right now he is in charge of a country, so these failures or stumbles that we come across are a source of motivation."

In remarks apparently directed to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), the former MDC-T Secretary General warned the new political outfit not to bask in past glory.

"A word of advice to my fellow opposition, you should not glory in past victory; past victory has a burden on you," said Mwonzora.

The MDC-T is set to hold its elective congress this year and Mwonzora is facing stiff challenge from the party‘s national chairperson, Morgan Komichi, and vice president Ellias Mudzuri.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Mwonzora, #MDC, #Rise