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Chamisa takes victory celebrations to Masvingo

by Staff reporter
12 Aug 2022 at 06:44hrs | Views
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, will be in Masvingo this weekend to lead his party's victory celebrations for urban wards which they clinched during March 26 by-elections.

Chamisa is expected to address thousands of party supporters as he continues to visit areas where his party triumphed.

CCC Masvingo spokesperson, Dereck Charamba, confirmed the Sunday rally saying Chamisa was coming to Masvingo with two objectives.

"The Citizens' president is indeed coming to Masvingo. He has two objectives; to thank the people of Masvingo for voting CCC overwhelmingly in the March 26 by-elections and also to deliver a special message," Charamba said.

The party had a clean sweep in the urban wards, but performed dismally in rural wards and constituencies.

Chamisa is reportedly going to hold the rally at Mucheke Stadium despite calls for him and his party to shift focus to rural areas.

However, CCC officials in Masvingo are on record saying they are shifting focus to rural constituencies ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

Meanwhile, trouble continues in the ruling Zanu-PF party's Masvingo structures as factional fights  escalate.

Rivalry between Minister of State, Ezra Chadzamira and Zanu-PF provincial chairperson, Robson Mavhenyengwa, has been renewed.

The two rival factions are angling to clinch the provincial youth chairperson post which fell vacant following the elevation of John Paradza to the position of deputy national youth secretary early this year.

One of the front-runners in the race is Charles Munganasa, who allegedly flip-flopped from Mavhenyengwa to Chadzamira's faction, who is legislator for his home area.

Israel Lunga, who is reportedly being backed by Mavhenyengwa was dealt a major blow after he was disqualified on election day following concerns that he was overaged, thereby failing to meet the set template dictates.

Chaos reigned supreme on the day, prompting the elections to be brought to a halt as youths who backed Lunga cried foul and demanded that their preferred candidate be reinstated to contest.

Insiders claim Lunga is Munganasa's closest rival, with an equal chance to clinch the post since he has backing of other party bigwigs in the province.

Zanu-PF provincial spokesperson, Ophias Murambiwa, was not reachable for comment as he wasn't picking up calls until it went to voicemail.

Source - NewZimbabwe