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Chamisa warns Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
16 Aug 2022 at 01:44hrs | Views
CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa on Sunday challenged Zanu-PF to stop threatening people with displacement if they choose to vote against the ruling party in next year's polls.

Chamisa, who was speaking to thousands at a thank you rally held in Masvingo at Mucheke stadium, blamed Zanu-PF for the country's woes which he said were evidenced by the five million Zimbabweans who have fled into the diaspora.

He warned that voting for Zanu-PF would spell further doom, arguing that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was legitimately in power.

Chamisa likened Mnangagwa to ‘mad Mamvura', a fictional character created by late government critic and pro-CCC activist Alex Magaisa.

"This culture of threatening people with removals and other things if they do not vote well, that is voting for your Zanu-PF is wrong. Not voting well is voting for Zanu-PF," said Chamisa.

"Zanu-PF is the one barring Zimbabweans from enjoying peace and getting jobs. It is what has forced over five million into the diaspora because the one in charge has not been licenced to do so. VaMamvura havana licence.

"Give this job to me so that Zimbabweans enjoy a better life."

Villagers in Hwange, Chiredzi, Zvimba, Murehwa and Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe (UMP) have reportedly been threatened with eviction if they do not vote Zanu-PF back into power.

Those in Chiredzi are currently being represented by CCC vice president Tendai Biti after processes to evict them from their homes to pave way for a lucerne farmer alleged to be a Mnangagwa ally had commenced.

Those in Hwange, Murehwa and UMP have reportedly been told failure to vote for Zanu-PF will see their land being given to prospective Chinese miners eyeing the granite rich region.

The eviction threats have been followed by incidents of violence that have been recorded since before the March 26 by-elections.

They are similar to conduct recorded in 2008 ahead of a runoff that followed late President Robert Mugabe's defeat against MDC's Morgan Tsvangirai.

Zanu-PF controlled State security agents led a so-called Operation Wavhoterapapi in mainly the rural areas where they intimidated, harassed, maimed and killed villagers.

Source - NewZimbabwe