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US$45 000 stolen in daylight robbery

by Staff reporter
27 Aug 2022 at 06:03hrs | Views
Two robbers armed with a pistol grabbed a businessman and bungled him into their Honda Fit car before robbing him of US$45  110. The businessman walked into Metro Peech wholesale in the city centre shortly after 12pm on Wednesday. While he was a few metres from the entrance two robbers grabbed him by his hand and pulled him back, the source said. They told him that someone wanted to see him.

"While confused as to what was happening, they dragged him outside of the shop to a Honda Fit which had tinted windows and bungled him inside," the source added. The driver sped off along Sixth Avenue heading towards Old Renkini bus terminus and the businessman tried to scream for help but it was all in vain.

"They throttled him as they stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth and pointed a pistol to his face, threatening to shoot him. They dumped him near Old Renkini bus terminus and fled with his money which amounted to US$45 110 and took his shoes," said the source.

The barefooted businessman walked back to the wholesale and narrated the horrifying incident to the manager of the supermarket.

"They watched CCTV and saw the hazy image of the Honda Fit car but they could not see its number plate," the source added.

He reported the matter to the police.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident and appealed for information that may lead to the arrest of the two armed robbers.

Source - B-Metro
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