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Mzembi questions Zanu-PF's interests in CCC Structures

by Staff reporter
27 Aug 2022 at 20:54hrs | Views
SELF-EXILED former Zanu-PF cabinet minister Walter Mzembi has questioned the ruling party's interests in knowing the structures of opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Writing on his Twitter page on Saturday Mzembi mocked the ruling party politicians for having been engulfed by demons because their involvement in the on-goings of an opposition party were too far fetched and not expected.

The former Tourism minister and former President the late Robert Mugabe ally in Zanu-PF's G40 faction said Zanu-PF's obsession with CCC structures gobbles the mind.

"What is this obsession with another Party's structures? Ndokupi pasirese kunoti bato riri kutonga rinochemera mastructures eOppsition pajekerere kuti toda kumaziva kana zvisina Madhimoni mukati? Munomadii. (What is this obsession with another party's structures. Where in this world has a ruling party shown interests in knowing the structures of an opponent political party? This is demonic," Muzembi said.

The ruling party led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa has over the past few months tried to destroy Nelson Chamisa's newly formed CCC after it allegedly used one of the opposition leaders Douglas Mwonzora to tear away MDC Alliance.

However, Zanu-PF has denied any involvement in the squabbles that took place in the MDC Alliance that led to the formation of CCC.

Chamisa was forced to ship out and eventually formed his own political party which is yet to have structures.

Addressing journalists at a press briefing on Friday Chamisa told Zanu-PF to stay out of his party affairs.

Chamisa queried President Mnangagwa's generosity in seeing CCC having structures.

"We are all treated like banned people in the country. CCC is legislating in Parliament. We are even giving Mr Mnangagwa water. The water he is drinking is courtesy of local leadership. The Mnangagwa regime treats us like a terrorist organisation. They are asking for our structures.

"Why would you want our structures, we have not asked for yours. Why are you so generous to want us to have structures so that we defeat you. We want to defeat you structure-less. Without any structure, we will defeat you. Our structures are known by ourselves. I will not be commandeered to do what you want us to do," Chamisa told journalists on Friday.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Mzembi, #CCC, #Chamisa