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Zanu-PF mobilisation drive in top gear

by Staff reporter
30 Oct 2022 at 02:41hrs | Views
THE reintroduction of District Co-ordinating Committees (DCCs) in Zanu-PF structures has injected renewed impetus into the ruling party's mobilisation activities, with the party now on a strong footing to attain over five million votes in next year's harmonised elections, it has been learnt.

According to the Zanu-PF Central Committee Report to the 7th National People's Congress, adopted by plenary at the just-ended indaba, restructuring of party organs and new affiliate organisations under the "ED" banner have re-energised the party.

In addition, the accommodation of former opposition supporters and adoption of technology in the mobilisation drive was central to the continued growth of party membership.

"The Commissariat Department has adopted a scientific approach to mobilisation as part of our mass party membership diversity reconfiguration," reads the report.

"With the advent of mobilisation for the 2023 elections, we have recorded a groundswell of affiliates with the aim to harness other key societal groups in order to attain five million plus votes.

"These have adopted the ED vehicle as a mobilisation strategy.

"Some of these innovative groupings are the Young Women for ED, Men BelievED, Teachers for ED, Affirmative Action Group (AAG) and Economic Empowerment Group (EEG), just to name, but a few."

Indigenous religious groups have also been key to Zanu-PF's mobilisation efforts and, according to the report, are a niche for new voters.

While the ruling party welcomes all support, caution is being taken to ensure that the affiliates are not designed for self-interest.

"The reintroduction of DCCs as per the Bindura 19th National People's Conference resolution has ensured that our ethos of democratic decentralisation and mantra of ‘not leaving no one and no place behind' is being realised.

"The DCCs have become an important cog in ensuring that the grassroots are well-organised and are an integral part of the mainstream mobilisation," reads the report.

"Through the emphasis on cells as the nucleus and DNA of the party, this has awakened the need to strategise around the polling stations so that we have certainty that our people are really registered to vote.

"Furthermore, the innovativeness of the Commissariat Department has to be applauded in lieu of the establishment of the returnees forum under the banner Dzokai Kumusha/Wozani Ekhaya."

To consolidate its support, Zanu-PF established an electronic database, coupled with the rollout of electronic party cards to ensure that all members are registered.

"This will be followed by a mandatory procedure of showing these party cards at party activities to avoid non-party members mingling at such gatherings," the report states.


According to the report, party members contributed $17 million to the party's coffers through subscriptions, while donations from well-wishers stood at $1,2 billion.

The party also received $350 million in Government grants, while the party's investments contributed $15 million.

President Mnangagwa appointed a national fundraising committee to raise a minimum of US$140 million to fund the party's wage bill, Youth Conference, Women's Conference, War Veterans Conference, Congress and the 2023 general elections campaign.

"The Department of Finance launched the National Fundraising Committee on July 28, 2021.

"The National Fundraising Committee was appointed by His Excellency, the President and First Secretary of Zanu-PF, ED Mnangagwa."

The committee is chaired by businessman and legislator Philip Chiyangwa, with Cdes Scott Sakupwanya, Everisto Mudhikwa, Zodwa Mkandla, Tafadzwa Musarara and Nkosana Mkandla as the other members.

Provinces were requested to set up six-member committees and raise a minimum of US$14 million each.

Legal affairs

The report says the party is presently reviewing its constitution.

"The Legal Department is currently engrossed in the process of reviewing the party constitution with a view to bring it in conformity with the aspirations of the new dispensation," reads the report.

"In addition, the constitutional review is motivated by the need to modernise the constitution and to bring it to conformity with the national Constitution."

While other amendments are still being formulated, some have already been adopted.

"These include the reintroduction of the District Coordinating Committee, and the creation of the War Veterans League."

The Legal Affairs Department is also working on introducing additional structures, including diaspora structures, the Council of Elders, the standing committees of the Central Committee and the Electoral Code of Conduct for party elections.

Source - The Sunday Mail