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Social media campaigner targets corruption and theft at NSSA

by Staff reporter
31 Oct 2022 at 01:04hrs | Views
A social media campaign to amplify citizens' voices against the unending vice of corruption and embezzlement of funds at the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) has kicked off amid calls for stakeholders to come on board in exposing rot.

The development comes at a time NSSA has been placed under investigations by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) over allegations of embezzlement of funds running into thousands of dollars implicating the authority's suspended General Manager, Arthur Manase.

Over the years, NSSA has made headlines prompting it to appear more as a cash cow at the disposal of top officials despite paying off peanuts to pensioners, who would have toiled to invest into the fund.

Rattled by the unending corruption, social media activist, Alistar Chibanda, who recently spearheaded a campaign against Nyaradzo Funeral Assurance and managed to attract the response on the matter from the Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC) has vowed to go after NSSA.

"Fellow Zimbabweans understand that corruption and theft at NSSA runs coffers dry so there will be nothing left.

"Starting today, we will make threads to expose such corruption. Matthew10:26 says, ‘for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed & hid that shall not be known,'"she said as she launched the campaign.

She alleged that the NSSA general manager has been running the authority as a personal business doing as he pleases, and underscored that the threads on NSSA will refresh and ignite more debate and insight into how the authority is operated.

"We will expose where the money is going to. The grand looting and corruption at NSSA leaves nothing for the pensioner.

"The other problem with NSSA is lack of stability. It is run by people in acting positions most of the time including acting CEOs/GMs as is the current case. He may act for a year/two and such this makes the officials weak and pliable to manipulation. Once appointed substantive, it becomes their time to eat," she said.

She bemoaned the fact that workers contribute towards funds such as NSSA, Doves and Nyaradzo but derive little or no benefit upon retirement.

Efforts to get a comment from the NSSA spokesperson Tendayi Mtseyekwa were fruitless as he did not respond to messages sent on WhatsApp despite having blue ticked.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Social, #Media, #Nssa