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Mohadi tours Mash West to whip traditional leaders

by Staff reporter
09 Nov 2022 at 00:18hrs | Views
Zanu-PF vice president and second secretary, Kembo Mohadi, is set on a marathon tour of Mashonaland West province where he is expected to whip traditional leaders into ensuring their subjects vote for the ruling party in upcoming 2023 harmonised elections.

The party's District Coordinating Committee (DCC) members are also invited to the Indabas.

Mohadi, who was forced to step down as State vice president over sex scandals, recently drew criticism from the opposition after it emerged that his campaign activities on behalf of Zanu-PF were being funded by the government.

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party said it "strongly condemned the regime's corrupt abuse of State resources" after a leaked memorandum showed that Mohadi had drawn nearly 2,000 litres of fuel for a tour of Mashonaland Central province in last month.

Described by the opposition as Zanu-PF appendages and de facto political commissars in rural areas, traditional chiefs and headmen have been an integral part of the ruling party's well-oiled rigging machinery.

Pointedly, they preside over distribution of government-funded farming inputs, which they dish out on politically partisan grounds in return for votes.

In his latest round of meetings Mohadi, who has been relegated to a cheerleader of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, will kick-start with an interface at Siyakobvu in Kariba on Thursday this week.

According to his itinerary seen by, Mohadi will visit all seven districts in Mashonaland West.

"The Vice President and Second Secretary, Col. (Rtd) K.C.D Mohadi, will engage District Coordinating Committee (DCC) leadership and village heads in Mashonaland West from 10 to 16 November 2022," reads the communication.

"The meetings (will) discuss growing the party, among other issues on party affairs."

After visiting Kariba, Mohadi's next port of call will be Hurungwe at Magunje on November 11, before meeting delegates from Makonde district at Orange Grove Motel in Chinhoyi the following day.

He will be in Chegutu district at Mhondoro-Mubaira on November 13, and the next day at Turf in Mhondoro-Ngezi on November 14.

On November 15, Mohadi hosts DCCs and traditional leaders from Kadoma district before embarking on the final lap at Gonzo Guzha Hall, Murombedzi in Zvimba district on November 16.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Mohadi, #Zanu-PF, #Chiefs