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Protest vote is anti-development, says Mutsvangwa

by Staff reporter
10 Nov 2022 at 04:55hrs | Views
Voters must now be politically mature and shun the culture of the protest vote during elections, as this is self-defeating and counter developmental, a senior Zanu-PF official has said.

Addressing delegates from all the seven districts of Manicaland during the 2023 general elections provincial Women's League campaign trial for Zanu-PF in Mutare yesterday, Zanu-PF Women's League Secretary for Administration Monica Mutsvangwa said protest voting derailed developmental plans in the past.

"This is no longer time for protest vote since this has proved to be benefiting a few individuals in the opposition formation," she said. "Look at how councillors elected in the urban local authorities from the opposition have amassed residential and commercial properties for themselves after misleading the electorate. The culture of protest vote does not help anyone and it only led to the run-down of our cities."

Mutsvangwa, who is also the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, reminded attendees to learn to look at the positives achieved by the new political dispensation in a short space of time since its election.

"President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF are the people's choice," she said. "Look at how major roads and dams in this country have been constructed. There are a lot of boxes that the new administration in this country can tick, but some people chose not see that.

"Zanu-PF has done exceptionally well in the new dispensation, albeit operating under illegal sanctions."

Acting Zanu-PF Manicaland chairperson Tawanda Mukodza called on party cadres to unite behind President Mnangagwa.

"Let us shun the old culture of being called by other people's names. You hear someone being referred to as someone else's person. We are one. We need to win this election," he said. "Let us be united and focus on supporting the leadership we have as a party now and see them through the election. We are all behind Mnangagwa and that is all we know."

In her remarks, Central Committee member Nokhutula Matsikenyere, who is also the Minister of Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Manicaland, said the recent internal party elections were now past and it was time to focus on campaigning for the President.

"We came from internal party elections and there were moments of mudslinging and disagreements," she said. "That is over. It is time for us to focus on the election ahead. We need to be united. We need to show everyone love so that they can come join us.

"How can we get the five million votes when we hate and scorn people? This is no longer the time to fight one another within the party."

Several representatives of Zanu-PF affiliates and partner organisations and individuals that include traditional leaders under the Chiefs for ED banner, District Coordination Committee chairpersons from across Manicaland, Vendors for ED, Teachers For ED, Nurses For ED, Man BelievED, Pastors For ED, war veterans, detainees and collaborators attended the meeting.

Source - The Herald