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Woman arrested for robbing boyfriend

by Staff reporter
28 Nov 2022 at 04:58hrs | Views
A 33-YEAR-old Warren Park woman was arrested for organising an armed robbery against her wealthy married lover for allegedly failing to provide her 'satisfactory financial support.'

Beulah Zimhondi appeared before magistrate Taurai Manuwere charged with armed robbery and was remanded in custody.

Zimondi allegedly hired four men to rob Jonathan Gapare, a construction tycoon.

It is alleged the Zimondi and Gapare have been in a relationship since 2020 and the accused was not satisfied with the financial she was getting.

She allegedly planned the robbery together with four accomplices named as Daniel Mutasa, Taurai Pangai and the other two only identified as Sir Calaz and Gunners but are still at large.

 After several meetings to to perfect their plan, they allegedly met at Zimondi's place of residence overnight on October 29. The following morning, at Zimondi's direction, they allegedly stormed Gapare's house, which was nearby, armed with pistols.

Upon arrival, they introduced themselves to the complainant saying they were sent by the complainant's client Dingilwazo Moyo to collect money.

Gapare took them into his house and the gang produced pistols and tied all the people in the house using shoelaces and cables.

They got away with US$1 490, four mobile phones and electric gadgets before exiting the house through a back door and scaling a precast wall.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
More on: #Woman, #Lover, #Arrested